Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In both of the novels a heroine is involved for committing herself to do something important enough only as itself for example , Elizabeth Bennet walks three fatiguing miles to Netherfield to pay a visit to her ill sister ; Fanny Price opposes her cousins ' attempts to include her in amateur theatricals .
2 Her lack of caution led the trackers to sting her with rubber bullets , and since the summer , she has been much more shy .
3 Wallace 's attempts to establish himself at United have been hindered by the player 's desperation to become a Stretford End hero as Fergie explained : ‘ He tried too hard to make himself popular .
4 Thereafter he quickly became its most renowned liberal member , leading some opponents to accuse him of judicial activism .
5 Dulwich inevitably suffers from its geographical situation four miles south of central London , and currently lacks any surplus funds to promote itself through increased advertising .
6 The teacher 's function is to decide what these chains are to be and to take steps to establish them as permanent ways of responding .
7 It is in these circumstances that there occurs , according to Merton , a situation of anomie , with people striving for goals of material success , but not having the opportunities to reach them through legitimate means .
8 Croatia and Slovenia proceeded during October with steps to dissociate themselves from federal Yugoslav arrangements , refusing to extend beyond Oct. 7 the three-month moratoriums on implementing their independence declarations to which both had agreed at the Brioni talks in July [ see p. 38374 ] .
9 For it was the people of the three original founding cantons , Uri , Schwyz and Unterwalden , who took the first steps to free themselves from external domination and start what was to become an independent confederation of communities , unified in a unique fashion , which in their early years were mostly called simply the Confederates but later became known as Schweizer after the name of one of the original component areas , Schwyz .
10 On the contrary , he allowed his clergy to criticize him with astonishing freedom , as Alcuin criticized his forcible conversion of the Saxons .
11 What do you think of that ? ’ and when Jess stayed quiet , she sighed , moving towards the books to touch them with loving fingers .
12 And it was a record that came to be seen and recognised by the local electorate , in particular the newly enfranchised women , not least through the efforts of Labour candidates to exploit it to political advantage .
13 When you are looking for such opportunities , however , beware of allowing visual images to blind you to potential problems .
14 An enormous number of Polish nobles , therefore , had survived the government 's attempts to relegate them to lesser estates .
15 This peculiar quality of solid , clenched abstraction appears in phrase after phrase — " compactness " dwells within the " " compression " " of Horatian metres ; but as soon as a translator attempts to transpose him into English quatrains , things go askew and adrift , because every compression is paid for with an expansion .
16 By precisely how much we shall see when we come to look at the attempts to sell them to private investors .
17 However , it will take several hundred pounds in vet bills to restore him to good health .
18 However , diaries kept by parents can produce valuable information and also help parents to see themselves as active partners in the assessment process .
19 The ‘ co-decision ’ procedure applies to areas of law such as the single market , consumer protection , the free movement of labour and the right of individuals and companies to establish themselves in other member states .
20 This need not be of great concern to management , however , given the capacity of most companies to finance themselves through retained earnings .
21 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
22 She made appointments to meet me at different places : restaurants , art galleries .
23 Periodic meetings are held with the co-ordinators to inform them of current activities and this important group of staff have been very responsive and supportive in disseminating information to their departments .
24 David was therefore offered inpatient care for up to 10 days to provide him with intensive support .
25 Within the Councils , the ‘ proof ’ still largely consists of peer reviews , although ABRC has attempted to assess the contribution which bibliometric studies might make to their decision-making , whilst the UFC now requires universities to provide it with bibliometric and other performance statistics .
26 Maureen Ruchardson , who made a similar appearance in the B is for Book exhibition at the Shipley Art Gallery in Gateshead , continues to cook and beat the fibres of local plants to provide us with hand-made paper .
27 The deal means the French bank will get some of the money it is owed , Madagascar will get debt relief and the Missouri garden will be able to increase its efforts to conserve rare plants , which include training botanists and collecting plants to screen them for medicinal value .
28 From 1899 to 1902 he encouraged young Labour church workers to visit him for informal religious training .
29 Lalu falls in love with mule skinner Jim ( a rather lacklustre Dennis Dun ) , who lopes off to raise the readies to buy her from slimy Hong King ( Michael Paul Chan ) leaving her in the care of his friend Charlie Bemis ( Chris Cooper ) , a compassionate but cowardly Yankee with a booze problem .
30 If more firms can overcome the internal obstacles to resemble the Japanese automobile producers , the world economy will become increasingly dominated by oligopolies with growing abilities to divorce themselves from local conditions and to create new types of enclaves within host states .
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