Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] only [be] make " in BNC.

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1 But the emphasis has shifted away from making ‘ breakthrough ’ technology an end in itself — breakthroughs should only be made when there is a clear business need .
2 ( 4 ) An order under this section in respect of any costs may only be made if — ( a ) an order for costs would be made in the proceedings apart from this Act ; ( b ) as respects the costs incurred in a court of first instance , those proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the court is satisfied that the unassisted party will suffer severe financial hardship unless the order is made ; and ( c ) in any case , the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds .
3 Changes in the level of support in future years will only be made to take account of inflation or changes in the size and composition of the total population within each local authority area .
4 Some years were to pass before statutes could only be made in parliament .
5 Continuous time means that observation is unceasing , such as a continuous record of river discharge ; quantized time is when imaginary sections are used to subdivide time , as when precipitation amounts are measured daily or weekly ; discrete time is when interest focuses upon time duration and frequency of events per unit of time ; and sampled time is when observations can only be made at particular periods , such as weekly measurements of plant growth .
6 Staverman and co-workers ( 1956 ) paid particular attention to approximations to the solution of the integral equations used in the exact theory , since , experimentally , observations can only be made over limited periods of time ( in creep for example ) or limited frequency ranges ( in dynamic methods ) whereas the exact theory of linear viscoelasticity requires the use of infinite integrals .
7 And on the other side , subordinate groups have no other recourse than armed revolt if they are deprived of other means of exercising political rights ; or they may find themselves in a situation where their formal rights can only be made effective in practice by the use or threat of violence .
8 The UK government reportedly favoured the principle of " subsidiarity " [ see also p. 36741 ] , which it took to mean that decisions should only be made in Brussels which could not better be taken at national level .
9 There are those where mission critical business decisions can only be made based on absolute up to date information .
10 Decisions about the effectiveness and appropriateness of different behaviours can only be made within the context of particular situations and specific objectives .
11 Visits to observe lessons should only be made by prior appointment with the headteacher , all concerned knowing of the visit well in advance .
12 Book loans to registered students can only be made to them in person , or on written application , if they quote their registration number .
13 Draw up a timetable — some recipes can be cooked and frozen weeks in advance while others can be prepared a day beforehand ; some dishes can only be made on the day .
14 That is unremarkable since the anticipation of such problems and assessments of some of their causes and magnitudes can only be made by environmental scientists .
15 Action : Updates may only be made to the latest approved baseline for the specified root package — the discrepancy must be resolved manually
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