Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 For the foreseeable future , however , the inherent weaknesses of unionization in agriculture seem likely to continue to haunt the N U A A W. The falling number of agricultural workers , the urban influences that are spreading across tracts of once ‘ truly rural ’ countryside and the changing nature of the farm worker 's skills may conspire in any case to lead to a reappraisal of the need for a separate farm workers ' union .
2 Fights may end at any stage with the retreat of one individual .
3 Whilst each House is the sole author of its own Standing Orders , proposals may emanate from any source although initiatives are commonly taken by the Clerk and a common source of proposals is the reports of select committees specially constituted to consider a particular matter .
4 To summarise so far : a ) False sensations or sensory illusions may occur at any time in a pilot 's career and in fact commonly do occur in the normal course of events .
5 No member of the committee , his representative or associate of them nor any person who was a member of the committee in the last twelve months must enter into any transaction whereby he receives out of the estate any payment for services given or goods supplied in connection with the administration or obtains any profit from the administration or acquires any asset forming part of the estate ( r 6.165(2) ) except with leave of the court , with prior sanction of the committee where full value for the transaction is given and in cases of urgency or by way of performance of a contract in existence at the date of the bankruptcy order where leave of the court is sought subsequently without delay ( r 6.165(3) ) .
6 For example , we know that a biological system of animals should function like any other system .
7 All the Iraqi people with whom we met assured us that they were eager for negotiations in order to avoid war , but said that they would not take orders from George Bush , and that none of the parties should insist on any conditions to the holding of these negotiations .
8 Children who have been integrated into mainstream schools can return at any time for help and are called back at six-monthly intervals for checks .
9 Unwanted pregnancies can arise from any different situations either by accident or in the event o rape .
10 Asked about whether she thought nationalist tensions would resurface in any significant way , Vera explained : ‘ A few weeks ago Havel said that the word ‘ socialist' ’ would have to be removed from our country 's name .
11 Besides governments , it is likely that only the largest companies will engage in any kind of record retention and archive management .
12 There could scarcely be a less promising environment for an amphibian than the desert of central Australia where sometimes several years may pass without any rain falling .
13 The lesions may present at any age and they have always been recorded as solitary , except in one case , and possibly in anothr , in which a second polyp was resected from the site of anastomosis of the previous operation six months before .
14 Holders of non EEC passports should check re any visa necessary .
15 It remains to be seen how Customs will react to any challenges to its position .
16 We know from the example of ‘ blindsight ’ that ‘ visual ’ computations can occur without any conscious phenomenology ( Weiskrantz 1977 ) .
17 Nayak and Ketteringham ( 1986 ) stated that ‘ as a manager , as an organisation , you can get a breakthrough whether you deserve it or not ’ , and that ‘ new , extraordinary ideas can emerge from any environment ’ .
18 Under the Summerskill regime it seems that officials can indulge in any sort of brutality they like .
19 Passport and visa regulations may change at any time so always consult your travel agent or the Passport Office .
20 ‘ The one thing I do have in common with William , ’ conceded Preston , ‘ is that we both grew up knowing the heavens might open at any moment and drop a load of shit on our heads . ’
21 Yet , when I saw him on this occasion , he seemed more than usually calm and quiet , which , given that the most painful of interrupters might arrive at any hour , showed that when , in the very essay I was delivering to him , he had talked about the necessity for the ‘ discipline and training of the emotions ’ , he meant what he said and practised it .
22 It is by no means clear how farmers would react to any system which threatened to control their freedom to do as they please with their own land .
23 In my experience , the teams will throw in any ball they land their hands on — no-one really knows whether it is the playing ball or not .
24 Firms can appeal against any Review Committee decision but , so far , this has not happened .
25 The exchange of tiny glances that partners must practise in any pas de deux is artistically valuable and technically important .
26 To have produced one important poem is rather more than the vast majority of poets could claim in any age .
27 Doctors should be able to reassure the parents of most affected children that the effusions will resolve without any further action or adverse sequelae .
28 You c You can er you can in fact have up to er you can find in you ex in your will as many people as you like but no more than four executors can prove at any one time .
29 For this reason , much of the incentive provided to schemes in the south ( and to retail schemes virtually everywhere ) was unnecessary — the projects would have in any case gone ahead .
30 ( 2 ) The statement of accounts shall comply with any directions given by the Secretary of State with the approval of the Treasury as to — ( a ) the information to be contained in it ; ( b ) the manner in which the information contained in it is to be presented ; or ( c ) the methods and principles according to which the statement is to be prepared , and shall contain such additional information as the Secretary of State may with the approval of the Treasury require to be provided for the information of Parliament .
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