Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Articles may reveal diversification plans which may mean a company suddenly becomes a potential customer ; advertisements for personnel may reveal plans for expansion , again suggesting potential new business .
2 Ken said that many performers ought to pay managements for the privilege of working on the stage .
3 Nevertheless , the breaches of these rules may have implications for the financial statements or other aspects of the auditor 's regular reporting responsibilities , and therefore some enquiry in these areas is needed as part of the audit .
4 Research contracts should include costs for the provision of computing services wherever appropriate .
5 The Court of Appeal held that because the principle of effective protection only required that national courts should provide remedies for the protection of European rights which were as effective as the remedies available for the protection of similar rights in English law ; and since a plaintiff can recover damages against governmental bodies in English law only if a breach of private law can be shown ; and since the challenged action would not be actionable in tort in English law ; it followed that the principle of effective protection did not require that damages be available to the plaintiff as a remedy .
6 Accordingly , all authorities must provide facilities for the initial and temporary reception of children with the necessary skilled staff for observing and assessing their physical , mental and emotional condition .
7 The parameters used to select patients for the trial , however , could have indicated several remedies other than Rhus toxicodendron , and the chances of any particular patient responding to the Rhus toxicodendron were little better than might have been expected by chance alone .
8 Schools will need mechanisms for doing this ; and the level of professional understanding of the issues and the imperatives underlying them can only improve thereby .
9 Any further increases in dependency levels in local authority and private residential homes will have implications for staff training and morale as well as for more frequent medical assessment .
10 That chance will come in the late spring when the winner will be invited to select a book from a range of 100 Faber titles ( 99 books will contain cheques for £10,000 and one book will contain a cheque for £1m ) .
11 non-Members can get tickets for all parts of the ground subject to availability .
12 Compounds can pose problems for automatic text processing systems since many compounds of words are idiomatic and have developed meanings and grammatical properties different from the combinations of the individual words .
13 Maximising present value ought , furthermore , at least in theory , to serve the interests of all shareholders , notwithstanding that some shareholders might have preferences for high dividend payouts rather than capital growth .
14 Moreover , anti-insect toxins may become attractants for mammals as in the case of cabbage and onions in humans .
15 Quoted companies should consider Esops for three reasons .
16 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
17 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
18 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
19 THREE appeal court judges were asked to rule for the first time yesterday that parents could sue doctors for negligence over the loss of a child though the fatal injuries had been suffered before birth .
20 ‘ I believe to have such a major international festival of song on our doorsteps would do wonders for our city and in particular for our tourist industry . ’
21 And then there will be a draw to decide which gold card holders with all three vouchers will get tickets for Wembley .
22 But there is a bonus to that in that people hope that by testing their ideas about the uncertain physics , by building models of that early stage , that those models will have consequences for the things that get left behind in the universe for the present , and so they might be able to test their ideas about how matter behaves at very high density by using cosmology , and that 's very important because we have no other way of doing it .
23 Most gas regions and electricity companies will make arrangements for you to pay what you like when you like towards your next bill .
24 It is hoped that insights from other countries can offer lessons for a New South Africa .
25 Clubs could nominate anglers for their individual achievements , their contribution to their club 's success and perhaps for their encouragement towards young anglers .
26 Like the M40 , the CPRE warns , those roads could become magnets for new villages , hotels and superstores … and hasten the day when the Oxfordshire countryside really is submerged under concrete and tyres .
27 But Western observers may have grounds for scepticism .
28 Licensed dealers may offer facilities for trading in options .
29 However , the practices and procedures which the team has adopted seem to have been shaped more directly by a -latent agenda of issues : a preference amongst the team 's management for a " hands on service ; the maintenance , until recently , of a strong health authority orientation to the team ( a hospital base , the dominance of the psychiatrist 's authority , the hospital itself as a central feature of the Borough 's service pattern ) ; a separatism which has been maintained between the social workers and the CMHNs over the team 's access to health and social service resources , so that social workers may refer clients for social service resources , and nurses for health authority resources , but not vice versa ; These features have tended to rule out for the team any sustained attention to the developmental role — a role which is certainly a part of its official brief , but which is clearly not a priority in terms of its current practice .
30 But when the make do and mend clubs were told that even worn out soft collars and shirt cuffs would make maps for tank commanders , they responded well and over a thousand tons of rag was collected between nineteen forty two and nineteen forty three .
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