Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 LOTHIAN schools may become the first in the country to introduce a blanket ban on staffroom smoking .
2 It had been hoped that the removal of exchange rate fluctuations between EC currencies would constitute the first stage toward monetary union , but the widespread acceptance of floating has made this aim more difficult to achieve , although the European Monetary System has had some success in this respect .
3 The finding of high plasma n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids concentrations would support the first part of this hypothesis ; that is , the increase in polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis .
4 Information sessions will cover the first year of the pilot and one college 's experience of offering the additional assessment .
5 Registered health visitors must have a first level qualification in order to undertake postbasic health visitor training .
6 Graduates from fixed wing models will find the first type the most natural way to go , but they can become dangerous if you get into trouble or become disorientated .
7 All accepted entries will be examined and the judges will award the first prize to the entrant they consider has shown the greatest skill and judgement in placing the eight letters in the order most likely to appeal to a typical IDEAL HOME reader .
8 Most parents can identify the first phase of interaction with their child , that is they can see what the child is doing that is irritating and they see how they react , but rarely do they then follow through the interaction to see what happens at the end .
9 ( I have since called to mind G. K. Chesterton 's remark in Heretics that ideas are dangerous and most dangerous to the man of no ideas : ‘ the man of no ideas will find the first idea fly to his head like wine to the head of a teetotaller . ’ )
10 Smoke detectors may give the first alarm but detection is often by smell and by seeing smoke and flames .
11 The Americans , reluctant to be accused of seeking ‘ domination ’ , and cautious about giving the Europeans a ‘ blank cheque ’ for costly military assistance in future , insisted that the Europeans should take the first steps towards defending themselves .
12 According to early ethological studies , it seemed that the young of certain birds like ducks and chickens would follow the first moving object they met and form a lasting attachment to it ; also that this attachment could take place only within a sharply limited period early on in development , and that it would affect all subsequent relationships .
13 Viewers will see the first , pre-recorded , scenes , then a freezeframe that will ask them how they want the story to end .
14 When an azure-winged magpie is fooled into accepting a cuckoo 's eggs , the cuckoo chicks will take the first opportunity to push the magpie 's own eggs out of the nest .
15 It is believed Stars & Stripes will sport the first of North Sails ' revolutionary seamless sails , made in a 3-D mould , before the end of this round .
16 Museums will have the first pick of a huge art mountain which has been allowed to accumulate over the years as the result of an income support scheme for artists which was stopped in 1984 .
17 Although they are keywords , the names of pseudo variables such as PI , LOMEM , HIMEM , PAGE , TIME , etc , act as variables in that their names can form the first part of the name of another variable .
18 Coulter 's opened the first Ford fast-fit and next week Pentlands will open the first Vauxhall Masterfit depot opposite their dealership on Belfast 's Ravenhill Road .
19 Mayfest exhibitions will include the first solo show in Britain by the notable German artist Wolf Vostell at the Transmission Gallery .
20 As the hotel closed its doors to the public in 1935 these records will provide a first glimpse of the interior of this remarkable Grade-One Listed building for most visitors to the museum .
21 Few authorities consider that short-term emission reduction options can prevent the first stage of a smog occurring .
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