Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These include , the significance of the inaccuracy ; whether reasonable steps where taken by the data user to check the accuracy of information held and what procedures were followed by the data user once the inaccuracy was brought to light ( DPR Guideline 4 ) .
2 The new row follows plans by BC to seek voluntary redundancies at Point of Ayr to reduce the workforce from 467 to around 150 , about 100 more job losses than envisaged under the new working regime .
3 Sgt Taylor , the mid-upper gunner and myself , the rear gunner , were evaders for three months until liberated by the Americans .
4 Peter was one of three Palace players to have won 14 full International caps while registered with the club , and Palace fans will always wish him well in his career for both club and country .
5 LIFFE uses an independent clearing house to register , clear and guarantee ( via margins ) all trades whether generated in the pits or by the APT system .
6 How often have you been lost for words when engaged in the ‘ what sort of strings do you use ’ type of conversation with a newly acquired guitar playing chum you 're eager to impress ?
7 Do you see that as the difference between the way that Americans view philanthropy in the arts as opposed to the way the English view it ?
8 They exist in a mirror world where they are suspended in a liquid like molten glass , and these images when seen from the mundane are brilliant but they are only mirror images of reality .
9 Road Traffic Act Requirements for explosion risks as defined in the policy can be covered on payment of an additional premium , thereby amending part of this exclusion .
10 It had been relatively constant for at least the previous three centuries as shown by the work of the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure ( Laslett and Wall , 1972 ) .
11 As currently envisaged , " stage three " involved the transfer of powers to a European central bank and the creation of a single European currency ( rather than a " hard ecu " used in parallel with existing European currencies as proposed by the UK — see p. 37969 ) .
12 Significant colon inflammation was induced in the colitic groups compared with the saline treated animals as measured by the colon macroscopic score , colon weight and colon weight/ body weight ratio ( p<0.05 ) ( Table II ) .
13 In contrast , the soviet-communist theory of the press involves the state ownership of all media , which are then harnessed to the achievement of national goals as defined by the ruling party and government .
14 Sports shops are stocking up on odd trainers as worn by the pint-sized star — leaving parents to foot a bill of around £160 when they are asked to provide the ill-matching black and white pairs .
15 The approach used analysis of national income data to quantify the regulation of demand , and when the statement turned from discussion of the transition to a peacetime economy it became a standard exposition of Keynesian policy prescriptions as interpreted by the academic economists in Whitehall .
16 — Chinese traders when asked by the Romans what country they came from should really have replied ‘ Chung-kuo ’ ( Middle Kingdom ) .
17 In contrast with the lack of effect of nutrients , infusion of deoxycholic acid produced a rapid and marked dose responsive increase in plasma PYY concentrations when introduced into the sigmoid colon .
18 Valuation reports should be restricted in their distribution to the client ( and , where appropriate , other named parties as noted in the engagement letter ) for the following reasons :
19 The crucial factors for the creation of a third party right , as expressed by the majority of the Court , were the intention of the parties as stipulated in the agreement , and subsequent actions , including those of the third party .
20 Hakon cheated by turning up with seven or eight warships as opposed to the agreed number of two ships adhered to by St Magnus .
21 The most worrying problem about conventional weaponry relates to the implementation of the conventional forces in Europe treaty , because , as the hon. Gentleman will know , there is a mismatch between the military districts as defined in the CFE and the republics .
22 The second distalmost papillae is the largest and partly overlies the distalmost papillae when viewed from the ventral side .
23 It provides considerable insight into the eventual difficulties of the early twentieth century mass production methods as exemplified by the moving belt type assembly line .
24 We may not agree with the intention of the words as viewed from the poem as a whole , but the words themselves must surely be admired .
25 Some kind of feedback process could be implemented whereby all levels of analysis can learn from the identification of the correct words as chosen by the user ( see figure 6.2 ) .
26 The original text may have consisted of 153 words , but many of these are function words and a further number produces no alternative candidates when put through the simulator .
27 Feeding your fish is probably the most important aspect of the hobby , but one which in terms of technical and specific advice seems to me a very grey area indeed , not helped particularly by product-leaflets/literature or indeed product labels as designed by the fish food manufacturers .
28 Results of psycholinguistic experiments to do with the intelligibility of words spliced out of context seem to cast doubt on the usefulness of the categorization , however , Lieberman ( 1963 ) found that , the word borrower was recognised by 80% of subjects when isolated from the context , The borrowers were all imprisoned , but was only 45% intelligible in the context Neither a borrower nor a lender be .
29 The most dramatic difference in the two pictures as seen by the remote observer is in the nature of radiation he receives from the object .
30 These societies may have comprised small political units and low population densities when compared with the more concentrated areas of consumption discussed above .
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