Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] for [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Though there has been good response in the first two areas , it is in the third that the brief hints in the text have been totally transcended through the amazing growth of lay groups meeting for prayer or study , representing various degrees of organization or none , some purely Catholic but most of them ecumenically open .
2 Even now it is the magnet that draws the rural peasants and small businessmen looking for work and casual labour .
3 He began wandering around the shelves looking for inspiration when he met Mr Crangle who was busy dismantling one of the book sculptures .
4 Support community-based organisations striving for peace and reconciliation and working to eliminate sectarianism and discrimination in religious life , education , housing and politics .
5 Japanese drift-net vessels , frequent visitors to New Zealand ports during the previous year , now found themselves subjected to lengthy searches by fisheries officers hunting for dolphin and whale remains .
6 Geoff Geoffrey Hoskins is it a good thing that we no longer we have too super pow powers viewing for authority and all the rest of it or are you as worried as ?
7 Well I 'm sick of it cos you see every year we get little kids coming round to our houses asking for trick or treat
8 The maximum limit on single charitable gifts qualifying for Income and Corporation Tax relief has been abolished .
9 We 're two funky 17-year-old gals searching for fun and action .
10 In the Management Matrix model there is an even broader conception of the range of decisions calling for specialization and delegation .
11 ‘ Got the girls coming for lunch and bridge .
12 This man has the unenviable task of telling hungry women and children queueing for food that they 're waiting in vain .
13 Although crowded with prospectors and pan-handlers looking for gold when that English bank-clerk , Robert W. Service , was writing his ‘ Songs of a Sourdough ’ and ‘ The Cremation of Dan McGrew ’ , Whitehorse and Dawson City were now drowsing away the years as forgotten towns .
14 I decided to go to St Paul 's , walk past Duke Humphrey 's tomb and along the Mediterranean , the main aisle where most men did business ; there , the dirty round pillars were festooned with notices , men and women begging for work or prospective employers offering terms .
15 Mrs Kelsall has received over 400 letters asking for help since she began the project , and they are still arriving .
16 I have had many letters asking for advice and questioning the use of bark and shavings because of coral spot fungus appearing .
17 Most full-time political representatives in Cuba are men , with very few women standing for election and even fewer succeeding .
18 Corbett struggled to his feet and stared around the hall where the rest of the sleepers there were slowly rising to their feet , some nursing sore heads , others bawling for wine and food .
19 This shows an ethnocentric arrogance which ignores the thousands of Soviet women working for peace and to free Soviet Jews .
20 National and international initiatives are recognising the problem , with both scientists and politicians calling for stabilisation and reduction of CO2 emissions .
21 The inhabitants were on the upper floors calling for help but , before anything could be done for them , the houses disintegrated and the people were all lost in the flood .
22 So whether your group consists of friends or colleagues travelling for pleasure or maybe as an incentive prize or any other reason you can think of we are here to smooth your path and speed you on your way .
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