Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is of particular relevance in the construction of chain-linked index numbers where the comparison is made as a sequence of year-to-year ( or month-to-month , etc. ) indices using either of the index numbers described .
2 In the library she saw an exhibition dedicated to the war poets and plans for the library extension ; she met students and researchers using some of the library 's on-line and interactive computer systems .
3 FIG. 2 Results of gel retardation assays using several of the mutant MetJ repressors .
4 I am confident that we will deliver projects and programmes using all of the city 's assets to do just that .
5 Here are four products representing some of the most exciting recent advances in TV and Video technology … the elegant Ferguson 51K4 TV and Ferguson FV37H Video , the portable Ferguson 41H3 and the giant screen Ferguson 68K4 .
6 It was n't until The Byrds ’ ‘ Untitled ’ double album came out with the liner notes explaining all about the string-bender that I found out what a fool I 'd been …
7 ‘ It was Phil Aldrich , ’ replied Stratton quietly , his eyes searching those of the two policemen with a look of puzzlement — and perhaps of betrayal , too .
8 There is considerable controversy about the process of incineration , largely because , if incinerators are not working at the most efficient temperatures , the emissions may include small amounts of dioxins , a group of compounds containing some of the most dangerous pollutants .
9 A court should now consider the effect of the provocation on ‘ a person having the power of self-control to be expected of an ordinary person of the sex and age of the accused , but in other respects sharing such of the accused 's characteristics as they think would affect the gravity of the provocation to him ’ .
10 We reach densities approaching that of the atomic nucleus , so it 's about one hundredth of a second after the start that there is a real threshold .
11 They see secondary schools undertaking some of the work that the community-based workshops once aimed to do .
12 The Hippix command set includes a hundred utilities implementing most of the IEEE Posix 1003.2 and 1003.2a draft standards like the general utilities awk , the pattern-directed scanning and processing language , grep , the pattern file searcher , sh , the interactive scripting language , and vi , the text editor .
13 Channel 4 , sponsors of the prize , will broadcast four 15 minute documentaries profiling each of the artists on Nov 3 and on Nov 24 they will be broadcasting the award-giving ceremony live from the Tate .
14 Sir Charles ' career has included many periods conducting many of the world 's major orchestras .
15 While this may lead to more ‘ successful ’ management at local level , it will also make ‘ failure ’ more visible , with local communities suffering some of the consequences , as some health care facilities go ‘ out of business ’ .
16 She sorts out the vests trying several against the doll and saying , ‘ It 's only halfway up her ’ .
17 When the revolution came , artists and students continued their association , with artists designing many of the posters that students plastered across the city .
18 Before becoming a coastguard officer , Mr Baker spent six years seeing much of the world as a radio operator in the Merchant Navy .
19 The system involved workers electing half of the members of supervisory boards , with the shareholders electing the rest and appointing a ‘ neutral ’ chair .
20 I 'm afraid Mr Blackburn has fallen prey to some of the fashionable ideas infecting many on the left , in particular to Europhilia .
21 Contrary to what is implied in much of the recent discussion of the " flexible firm " we found that establishments using either of the two forms of temporary worker were , in general , no more ( or less ) likely than other establishments to use certain other forms of " non-standard " worker — namely part-timers , freelancers and homeworkers — which the survey identified [ see Tables 3.14–15 ] .
22 You will learn how to design and make things using all of the above and produce actual models which you can take home .
23 The collective " she " is presented in this list as if a natural immutable category , ruling out the possibility either of individual traits or of conditions explaining any of the points on the list which might be subject to change .
24 In other words , a breadth-first search of one of the mid-class word graphs could produce a tree with millions of terminal nodes representing each of the equally valid word-string paths .
25 Working from the artists ' chance selections , Heinrichsmeyer created geometric paintings resembling those of the De Stijl group , which he in turn transposed onto the planar surfaces of over one hundred cubic armchairs .
26 Even the most gifted editor would have problems turning much of the obligatory information into riveting reading .
27 This compared services to the elderly delivered by teams exemplifying some of the more prominent organizational types .
28 At the same time the administrative structures overseeing some of the country 's bigger concerns would be dismantled .
29 THE biggest swimming event ever to be held in the area , the European Sprint championships featuring many of the world 's top swimmers , will take place at Felling on November 27–28 next year .
30 Table 1 also indicates a return to the pattern witnessed in 1987 and 1988 with the performance of Scottish exports bettering that of the UK as a whole .
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