Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] [adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence , however , is slim , and the logical conclusion — the two-second or five-second commercial — seems far away ; while so-called ‘ subliminal ’ advertising , using flashes of picture or words lasting only fractions of a second , is not only totally unproven as a technique , but banned in most countries where advertising on film is available .
2 Such hill-forts of successive races or groups living uneasily side by side continued to dominate the landscape during recurrent tribal and racial struggles for power .
3 Between the advertisements for Brylcream and Bile Beans was set out a forty-page prospectus for a ‘ new Britain' , consisting of a series of short articles putting forward proposals for a fresh approach to employment , social security , town planning , architecture , the countryside , education , health , the medical services and leisure .
4 This ringwork is the most impressive of a series of earthworks stretching away west of the church towards the village .
5 Through the village , the road into Barbondale rises sharply before contouring for a level mile along the side of Barbon Low Fell , new plantings of conifers permitting only glimpses of Barbon Manor high on the left .
6 The meetings programme includes small workshops bringing together academics with government and private sector economists ; lunchtime discussion meetings at which Research Fellows speak on policy-relevant topics , with audiences from Whitehall , Westminster , business and the academic community ; academic workshops , seminars , colloquia and conferences ; and periodic meetings of the Research Fellows in each programme to discuss and organise research and to plan new research initiatives .
7 MIDLAND Bank has been fined and ordered to pay costs totalling about £250,000 by the Investment Management Regulatory Organisation ( Imro ) for breaching its duties as trustee of six funds managed by the French-owned unit trust company Dumenil .
8 Breeds by still or slow-moving fresh water in tundra , moorland and taiga ; winters often in large flocks mainly in coastal waters , many non-breeding birds staying well S of breeding range all summer .
9 This makes Britain in autumn a very special place as a staging post for birds flying further south to the Mediterranean and Africa and as a winter home for many others .
10 WHITBREAD , the brewer and retailer , yesterday warned that mounting bad debts in its economically-troubled heartland of southern England will force it to make provisions totalling about £47m in the full-year to the end of February .
11 Her daughters , Elizabeth Beak and Rosemarie Craig are claiming damages totalling around £100,000 against British Rail for negligence .
12 Sources inside the health authority believed proposals for purchasing consortia linking together districts throughout the Northern region could be the forerunner of a fully fledged merger , possibly developing into a system of county-wide authorities .
13 Proposals for a buying consortia linking together districts in the Northern Region sparked fears of a merger between Darlington and South-West Durham health authorities .
14 ‘ You know , Boyo , this is the start of our fifth day here in Normandy and we have been stuck in these bloody slit trenches having all kinds of shit thrown at us .
15 The accused , assistant manager of an electrical goods shop , agreed to supply items costing over £16,000 to a person in exchange for two stolen building society cheques .
16 Although the existence of the statutes indicates certain offences which sometimes creep into public life , it is most gratifying to note that amongst the many tens of thousands of councillors serving voluntarily year by year in this country a prosecution under this Act is very rare indeed .
17 Goldstar Information & Communications Ltd , Hyundai Electronics Industries Co Ltd , Maxon Electronics Co Ltd and Samsung Electronics Co have each signed agreements with Qualcomm Inc , San Diego for joint development of cellular telephone subscriber and infrastructure equipment based on Code Division Multiple Access technology for Korea ; the four will pay Qualcomm non-refundable preliminary fees totalling about $5m to be applied against part of their future licence fees .
18 She could hear Maria clattering about with her water buckets in the yard and far off church bells ringing somewhere north of the Arno .
19 The proportion of students remaining never smokers at first follow up and at second follow up was assessed .
20 The appeal follows the announcement of loans and grants totalling nearly £21,000 to parish councils , sports clubs and voluntary bodies .
21 THE Scottish Arts Council has awarded grants totalling over £30,000 in its first allocation of funds for new music commissions for 1993/94 .
22 The background to this inquiry was that all students doing so studies as a supplementary study have to produce a project whit assessed by Birmingham Polytechnic .
23 The officers were selected from established units , with colonels putting forward men like Lieutenant Bernard J. Callinan who were chosen for their independence of mind as well as soldiering ability .
24 It would keep the offenders sitting there day after day , wearing clothes which had written on them what crimes they had committed .
25 This year he put in a strenuous two hours raising over £65 towards the branch 's record Lifeboat Week total of £4,825 .
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