Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 The flames did help to disperse the fog and also to make the runway more visible , but of course one air field could n't hope to cope with all the 8 Group heavies returning at the same time , and things were pretty chaotic for a few hours .
2 A critical appraisal of the existing facilities , together with redesign proposals and plans relating to the same
3 A critical appraisal of the existing facilities , together with redesign proposals and plans relating to the same
4 An almost annual phenomenon of the garden book trade is horticultural convergence — two or more books appearing on the same , previously neglected subject , often without the authors knowing anything of their rivals ' work .
5 And all officers and ministers whatsoever shall serve their Majestyes and their successors according to the same in all times to come …
6 It did n't take long to get Graham 's eyes looking in the same direction .
7 Only eight out of 26 ministers retained their posts in a new Cabinet announced on July 19 ; key ministries remaining in the same hands included Defence under Maj.-Gen.
8 the establishment of a new species of law centre , ‘ Citizens ’ Law Centres , ’ financed out of public funds , without involvement in general community work such as the mounting of campaigns or political or social work , with clients paying on the same basis as legally-aided clients of private practitioners , managed by a central agency and advised by a local advisory committee ;
9 The future 's not certain for Little Jay , but to prevent other animals going through the same agony police say owners must be extra-vigilant .
10 The result of this process is a discrimination tree , any of whose sub-trees contain a set of words beginning with the same phonemic description .
11 With the narrow lanes around Bentworth , any approaching traffic would have had to give way and cars travelling in the same direction could have been held up .
12 Our public houses vary in terms of individual design and construction , but the plans provided are typical of the two types of unit distinguished in the Preliminary Report , and it may be assumed that appropriate proposals will be suitable for other units falling within the same category .
13 The minimal acceptances are thus essentially sets of channels , and so in constructing them we must identify all guards corresponding to the same channel .
14 Protagoras found gender assignation in Greek inconsistent and illogical — for example , there were cases when two words referring to the same thing had different genders — and he went so far as to advocate reform ( he was ridiculed for this by Aristophanes , and the attempt was unsuccessful ) .
15 The cultivation of a distinctive ‘ voice ’ becomes the primary means whereby journalists working on the same material and increasingly reliant on the same basic sources seek to make a name for themselves .
16 Under these conditions it is necessary to organise all employers operating within the same market to preclude the possibility of a wage increase secured at one firm adversely affecting its competitive position , and therefore employment .
17 The sex exclusive markers which do indeed occur in some languages are superficially striking , but on closer inspection they can be seen to result from a few regular and predictable rules acting on the same basic structures .
18 In Berlin itself , there are over 4,000 Vietnamese , most of whom live three to a room in cramped hostels , paying well over the odds for the privilege ( Germans living in the same accommodation pay considerably less ) .
19 The author explores , in this paper , some philosophical arguments for equal distribution of scarce goods between people of different age groups living in the same society .
20 By being doctrinaire and parochial , it is easy to have a whole host of companies competing in the same home market ; but how many will be effective ( or even in business ) in ten years ' time ?
21 John Hick 's God and the Universe of Faith introduces the ‘ ecumenical ’ idea of many faiths believing in the same God .
22 In the worst possible case , with all errors operating in the same direction and all being at plus or minus two standard errors ( a most unlikely occurrence and an overstatement of the true joint confidence intervals ) , the estimated expenditure needs might range from £108 to £509 for every child aged 5–17 .
23 Of the joint registrations made in 1989 , 72% were made by parents living at the same address , which suggests that some 50% of children born outside marriage were born to a cohabiting couple .
24 Zuwaya probably used marriages to create alliances with members of other lineages living in the same place , and to maintain connection with members of the same lineage living in different places , even though they did not feel the same ecological pressures as the members of the Saadi confederation .
25 As there is much variation in numbers of thymocytes between mice of different litters of the same age but much less between mice belonging to the same litter , the numbers of total thymocytes are shown in comparison to wild-type or heterozygous littermates in a logarithmic scale .
26 The alternative criterion for assigning lexical units to a single lexeme is that their senses should be local senses belonging to the same sense-spectrum .
27 Institute president Ian Plaistowe , after reading a newspaper report of Mr Damant 's views , wrote to the Financial Times saying that : ‘ The reduction of differences in the accounting treatment of events and transactions arising in the same circumstances must surely remain as the standard-setters ’ prime objective' .
28 The BBC , who did not wish to go live , will take recorded highlights , the two companies agreeing on the same commentators .
29 What it will not do of course , is reconcile needs competing for the same resources .
30 Among carers living in the same household as the person receiving care , this difference is even more apparent , with 62 per cent of women providing help with personal care and 53 per cent being responsible for giving medication , compared with 43 per cent and 37 per cent of men respectively .
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