Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] and [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Country is torn by war and the Russians occupy and control the capital . ’
2 We would like to open a TSB Interest Cheque account and also a Flexible Savings Account and authorise the Clerk to the Parish Council , to transfer money on our behalf between these accounts in person , in writing or by phone .
3 Indeed , many authors expect and require the reader to bring something to the text .
4 He saw Louis ' eyes flatten and felt the twitch of a nerve in Gomez 's hands .
5 Old Slains stands even more perilously close to the North Sea cliffs , and in high weather the waves climb and spray the windows of the people who live in the houses under the shadow of Old Slains 's remaining high wall .
6 This does not necessarily ensure wide application of the research but it does provide various ‘ models ’ of development in different environments which increase the likelihood that , by identifying with one or another model , other schools adopt and adapt the work to suit their particular needs .
7 In effect , the parties organise and simplify the alternatives into policy packages that give the voters a meaningful and effective choice , so ensuring that the electorate is " consulted " at general elections with regard to fundamental legislative changes .
8 As the pair of cichlids dig and move the gravel about the aquarium to suit themselves , they will expose the gravel tidy and be satisfied to use this as a spawning surface .
9 THE A S BYATT EXAMINATION FOR ADVANCED READERS Compare and contrast the following pairs of statements :
10 Its five books re-tell and overlap the ancient stories of how God created Man and after generations of wandering around living a life which makes Wild West movies look tame , there was captivity in Egypt and then liberation to the Promised Land .
11 The regime of the darkness and the arc lights still rules when the loudspeakers erupt and relay the national anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics .
12 Two friendly , hospitable brothers own and run the Hotel Gallini and regard both the hotel and their guests with great affection .
13 Versions of the traditional hornpipe danced by sailors of many nationalities are featured in many ballets because it is so descriptive of the very particular way in which seamen walk and do the many different jobs that have to be done on any kind of boat .
14 The researchers listen and tell the producers who can hardly believe their luck — customers who say exactly what they want , and are willing to pay MORE !
15 Much as many Ethiopians fear and loathe the government , they are calling for more political and economic freedom , and would not feel liberated by the TPLF .
16 When receptors receive and decode the message in order to uncover the meaning , the operation is no less complex .
17 He easily rounded Eagles cover and cantered the fifty metres to score his first try in a month .
18 " That 's the stuff to give the troops , " he would invariably say , curving back moist lips to the mugs brim and gulping the hot liquid down as if his throat were asbestos .
19 The professional should establish that the parents understand and accept the role .
20 Beige vocalists admire and envy the ‘ blacks ’ for being more in touch with their emotions , their bodies , the unfettered ignorance of their self-expression .
21 The engineers plan and supervise the construction of new facilities as well as maintaining the electrical , electronic , mechanical and civil parts of our operation .
22 Courses in the earlier years introduce and develop the study of topics that are taken to an advanced level at honours — the pronunciation and grammar , and the functional , regional , and social varieties of present-day English and of the earlier periods of Old English , Middle English , and Early Modern English .
23 The leaves are cleaned and the cuticle scratched , thus aiding fungal decay ; the ants cut and chew the pieces into fragments , which are mixed with saliva as well as faeces before being put in the garden , the swollen tips ( gongylidia ) being collected by the ants for food .
24 The former centre around the socialisation process , the way in which individuals learn and accept the values and norms of the wider society .
25 Human cultures prescribe and proscribe the sexual actions of their members ; both the action and the object are socio-culturally controlled .
26 Our Warburg customers expect and receive the very best of services in the attractive restaurant with crisp linen tablecloths , black leather chairs and fresh flowers .
27 It alleviates the burden of costs by providing financial assistance to litigants who can satisfy a means test , and a merits test and provide the contribution towards their own costs which may be required under the rules of eligibility .
28 Most families tolerate and encourage the release of conflict whereby irritators are released through crying or yelling or confronting in other ways .
29 These Regulations update and replace The Health and Safety ( Fees ) Regulations 1991 .
30 Using various archival sources and oral histories , a series of case studies compare and contrast the experience of individual countries , companies and communities .
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