Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] only in the " in BNC.

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1 Seymour committed suicide on 20 Apr. 1836 ; his illustrations appear only in the first two parts of PP ( Apr. , May 1836 ) .
2 Sugars also attach to proteins to form ‘ glycoproteins ’ , and it now seems that most proteins function only in the form of glycoprotein .
3 Some animals live only in the pitchers , others ( a minority ) are also found living elsewhere .
4 In the aftermath of the Maria Colwell tragedy a report by the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work took this concept as its title and stated that ‘ good enough parenting involves , among other things , a capacity to provide continuity of love and care which is realistic in its expectations of both parent and child and deals with ‘ real ’ conflicts of interests and not those whose origins lie only in the parents ' past' ( CCETSW , 1978 ) .
5 However , the MacSharry proposals look only in the most narrow , blinkered way for solutions .
6 The trouble with this is that the viewer , to whom the sea appears to be uniformly blue in the sense of ‘ appears ’ in question , may , in fact , think that the sea merely reflects the colour of the sky , or even that colours exist only in the mind .
7 Of 149 respondents , 18 subjects agreed firmly with the statement that " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " , and a further 23 thought this was perhaps true .
8 In the Hull survey one of the statements to which respondents were invited to agree was " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " ; 18 endorsed this statement , and 23 thought it was maybe true , out of 149 .
9 Why does this theory come to life while other theories exist only in the minds of their inventors ?
10 A further point to note is that the extreme left-hand columns in both table 6.4 and table 6.5 are empty and additionally the extreme right-hand column in table 6.5 is empty ; this is because these ‘ extreme ’ realizations occur only in the inner-city areas .
11 All creatures communicate only in the manner to which they are instinctively and inwardly programmed .
12 If these information-processing modules exist only in the minds of cognitive scientists , rather than in the minds of the subjects they study , then breakdowns in face recognition or word recognition should either be all-or-none , or else they should be extremely difficult to conceptualize within the vocabulary of cognitive psychology .
13 Nightingales sing only in the dark .
14 It must be remembered that these remarks apply only in the case of the small orchestra , in which string and wind doubling is rarely necessary for the sake of balance .
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