Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In proportion as its acts tend to promote the same end , its conduct may be termed organised and its several actions correlated .
2 In the end , only the action is viable , so that all these essays tend to match the inside ethnography and are nullified by neglect or have any contentious matter treated as ‘ privileged information ’ , for as Templeton ( 1980 : 904 ) argues ‘ the police fear that if you have a better understanding of society , you are in a better position to change it — the very exercise [ they ] are reluctant to engage in ’ .
3 The ambivalences generated for many white youth by the attractions of Afro-Caribbean , Afro-American and African musical forms , and their admirations for some aggressive forms of Afro-Caribbean masculinity , have resulted in alliances in particular schools and neighbourhoods between white and Afro Caribbean youth against Asian youth , while in some schools where black white conflicts remain submerged the dominant form of racist insult occurs between different ethnic minority groups , for instance Asian and Afro-Caribbean or Cypriot and Vietnamese ( Cohen , 1987 ) .
4 If these so-called rugby experts want to relive the monotonous and tedious forward battles that culminated in England 's Grand Slam then they can keep their memories .
5 In practice professional valuers tend to prefer the comparative method and builders the residual method , but for valuations for annual financial or management accounts it would perhaps be prudent to take an average of the result obtained using both methods .
6 It is easy to show that these two steps combine to give the required result .
7 Boys from unskilled , working-class homes tend to have the hardest time ; at 11 years , 36 per cent were beaten with an implement by the father , the mother or both .
8 The arithmetic alone shows that this Government is only prone to defeat when there is an issue over which all the non-government parties intend to vote the same way ( ie including the Official and Democratic Unionists , plus the self-styled popular Unionist , Sir James Kilfedder ) and where that total is topped up by a dozen or so Tory malcontents .
9 Basically , Brenner 's methods involve applying the statistical technique of regression analysis , such as econometricians use to identify simple equations whereby the value of one variable can be predicted given the values of other variables .
10 Manufacturers arc doing the weight-prone no favour in removing fibre from fruits to make them into juices .
11 The designers say implanting the electronic bug wo n't devalue antiques .
12 Here , ants and fungi race to make the most of good , organic matter and the rotting trunks themselves play host to an assortment of bright green epiphytes .
13 These designs involve slipping the same needle for between two and four rows .
14 Both authors appear to belittle the great range of plants that were living at the times of their animals and the ways in which these plants were constantly evolving and migrating .
15 At a district level CPRW 's branches seek to protect the important qualities of their own particular areas , using their special knowledge of local conditions .
16 They say here that he will do no more of these questionless immobile heads as his designs begin to set the immobile against the mobile .
17 Some manufacturers like to leave the tempering colour on the tools , as an indication that this operation has been carried out properly .
18 A series of fugitive , fictional voices set to illumine the rural microcosm , with a grander national pageant glimpsed fitfully in the distance .
19 Opposition parties continue to accuse the ruling PS of suppression of dissent , in particular by restricting access to the media and by an unfair electoral law .
20 This provides evidence that readers try to determine the syntactic role of ‘ entered ’ while fixating it .
21 One of the sad things about history is that nations keep making the same mistakes .
22 The companies are watching carefully lest other lobbyists try to slip the tougher provisions back in .
23 It is only part of a battery of equipment the cosmonauts use to counter the prolonged effect of weightlessness but it is an important one and some alternative will have to be found before women undertake long duration flights .
24 I remarked above that von Uexkull 's pictures fail to express the phenomenological quality of what it is like to be a sea-urchin , fly , or dog — or , one might add , a bat ( Nagel 1974 ) .
25 Employee considerations do influence the final answer .
26 There is some repetition as the authors backtrack to report the same developments from different points of view and new characters are introduced ; the detailed mathematical discussions do become daunting for the non-specialist reader .
27 The identification of lust with ‘ brown girls ’ probably had no racial connotations in that innocently discriminatory age ; but the scenes towards the end where the Witch tries to capture John with her wiles do leave the disconcerting impression that Lewis thought of Christianity as little more than a good ‘ cure ’ for lust .
28 Many organizations fail to disclose the corporate mission , strategy , and business objectives to their employees , fearing that knowledge of this would provide the competition with an advantage .
29 ‘ HSE inspectors aim to help the committed employer improve the management of health and safety .
30 In practice many designers prefer to hold the complete record in the master file , as this avoids the problem of assembling information about attributes possessed by the record but not specifically referenced in the request .
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