Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [pers pn] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 The planets insist it 's a wonderful week ahead .
2 Mr Collett 's employers say he was a first class driver .
3 Housing experts say it 's an increasing problem and they want a new law to protect tenants .
4 Weather experts say it was a relatively dry winter which makes the water recovery all the more remarkable .
5 Opponents say it 's a policy doomed to fail — creating massive environmental damage .
6 A public inquiry is considering plans for a third supermarket — opponents say it 's the last thing the town needs .
7 Our adverts say we 're the professionals , the experts , the specialists .
8 The prison authorities say it was a genuine call for help .
9 But some consumer groups say it 's a con .
10 Supporters insist it is a valuable way of boosting British exports .
11 Hunt supporters say it 's a victory for democracy — anti hunt campaigners have vowed to continue their fight to get hunting banned .
12 Supporters say it 's a nutritious and healthy food .
13 The cab driver looks at Jenny 's legs like she was a whore or something .
14 ‘ Often clients think it 's a good idea to come here but after a few weeks they think it 's not such a good idea .
15 Extremely fast cars evaporate it is no use changing extremely or fast — we must replace cars or evaporate : Extremely fast cars disintegrate or Extremely fast solvents evaporate .
16 Some junior school Heads think it is a waste of good scholarship studying time .
17 Half time came and the fans artound me were a bit pissed off because a ) Leeds were n't actually playing all that well and b ) Rocky was nowhere to be seen ( ironic when you consider it was his picture on the front of the program along with an interview where he said Wilko came to him & said ‘ you 're in the team , just go do it ’ — or something like that- ) .
18 If you do n't know they were trainers or shoes say they were a white type
19 Not wishing to come down on either side , the planners say it 's a nice fence but high fences near roads need permission .
20 Chloe 's parents say it 's a sentence that 's totally inadequate .
21 More than five hundred items are in the exhibition — enthusiasts say it 's a chance to see the art form of the nineties .
22 By ordering the fourth Trident submarine , the Conservatives show they are the only party to be trusted with defending Britain .
23 I should get her the ballet shoes cause it was a ballet dancing that would be very appropriate and I 'll get her some flowers .
24 Most British youngsters feel it is a waste of time , and only 35% of 17-year-olds are still in full-time study .
25 Newsagents claim it is the buyer who should face legal action for allowing tobacco to get into under-age hands .
26 They have a filing system , and the procedure for it which is about two pages is highly efficient , and the engineers think it 's the best thing since sliced bread .
27 I , too , 'ave an absurd fake Cockney accent but youngsters think I 'm a sad old man an' they refuse to buy my records .
28 Mr you 'll spoi you 'll spoil us when I saw this tonight I thought we I got ta say something because Martin is coming up with the er same motion as it was last time , it was not much different so probably with the same reply 's got ta be made and that is that the Labour party is not the caring party , everyone here , I 'm sure the Liberals as well as the Conservatives care we are a caring party as much as you are and we are concerned , we are concerned about , we are concerned about
29 Many industry observers say it is a declining brand .
30 Indeed , industry observers say it was the swingers who gave birth to the home porn video in the early-Eighties .
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