Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [adv] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ankles remain together at all times and feet should be over the knees .
2 Neighbours say the animals bark incessantly at all times of the day and night .
3 But Langmuir probes work only at low temperatures , far below that needed for fusion .
4 And decided that these channels occur predominantly at post-synaptic or on the muscle surface .
5 Flour beetles breed best at 25 C , so you should try to find a warm room or cupboard where you can keep them for 3 or 4 months at least .
6 Human beliefs and activities change , feelings and responses change hardly at all .
7 Each of several characters is followed through twenty-four hours and their lives touch only at certain points in the narrative .
8 Adults ( except Great Skua ) have two distinct plumage phases , dark and light , and the middle feathers of the tail elongated ; in immatures these feathers project scarcely at all .
9 The Ogres point significantly at any Halflings or Dwarfs among the adventurers .
10 Restrictions on silviculture in the tropics are most striking in the area of soil properties ; for example , the pisolites of parts of West Africa are some 10 m deep with no obvious horizons and , although trees grow well at first , they later collapse and the removal of the forest leads to desolation resembling a gravel pit .
11 In this example the following specification is used : trains run regularly at 15-minute intervals throughout the 24-hour period .
12 In the other species , however , unlike their relatives , the birds of paradise , the sexes differ hardly at all and the males build some of the most extraordinary structures in the animal kingdom .
13 It was during the summer months of 1968 that my father first began taking me to Walton junction , Liverpool to see what must have been the very last of the steam trains thunder past at 7 o'clock .
14 In the Western world ( though not often in developing countries ) many public library users read recreationally at one time or another , and large numbers of people read in this way almost exclusively .
15 At an informal level officers and councillors meet frequently at civic functions , receptions and so forth as well as before and after official meetings , and this too , serves to blur the formal relationship between them .
16 Do n't worry if your compression joints leak slightly at first — this happens to professional plumbers too .
17 The cottage was a pretty little place , furnished for comfort rather than style , with the living-room dominated by a huge fireplace , two big old armchairs set companionably at either side .
18 Digital mobiles witter noisily at high frequencies .
19 The men sleep together at one end of the dwelling , on a raised ledge covered with more clean straw which , of course , must be brought with them .
20 First , the flowers themselves should be suitable for pressing — there is no point in offering to press someone 's wedding flowers when their bouquet consists of , say , chrysanthemums , pale carnations , large daisies or gerberas , since none of these flowers press successfully at all .
21 When two deuterons fuse together at low energy , the neutron is liberated with an energy of 2.45 MeV .
22 Three men huddle uncomfortably at one end of the table .
23 * Older pupils do better at given questions than do younger ones .
24 Another angle on psychological differences between blacks and whites is given by Worthy and Markle who argue that white sportsmen do better at self-paced activities , ‘ ones in which the individual responds , when he chooses , to a relatively static or unchanging stimulus ’ , whereas blacks have an edge in reactive activities , ‘ in which the individual must respond appropriately and at the right time to changes in the stimulus situation ’ ( 1970 ) .
25 The cases have thus at best produced further guidelines as to the sort of factors to be taken into account .
26 The heat loss in pumping water to the aquarium ( especially in trickle filters ) means that the filter unit can be run at 30°C or more , which makes the filter much more efficient since the nitrifying bacteria operate better at higher temperatures .
27 [ All events commence promptly at 8.00 pm unless otherwise stated ]
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