Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [prep] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Left of centre policies alternate with right of centre policies violently , rapidly , and on the basis of ideological considerations alone unrelated to the " real " needs of the situation .
2 Owner occupiers account for 23pc of households and the inclusion of work to their properties would have a beneficial effect on the overall scheme , members heard .
3 The beautiful ones wear ornate regional head-dresses , chime bells and yodel to welcome the New Year , while nature mummers appear in costumes of pine-cones , moss and snail shells .
4 The chefs cook in front of customers , and you can make your own pizzas .
5 Part one provides instruction in the use and practice of English in different types of communication , including essay , business letter and other forms of business writing ; activities provide for development of all the skills .
6 It has sometimes been remarked that the courts test for transfer of an enterprise is an employment one rather than a commercial one .
7 Meanwhile , the interactive development tool and user interface management systems sectors account for 47% of the market but are growing at 65% per year .
8 Taken together the Food/drink and Office machinery sectors account for 56% of Scotland 's exports .
9 For instance , other EMS currencies account for 72% of the French franc 's trade-weighted basket , and the dollar accounts for 44% of the yen 's .
10 There are also an application development and a manufacturing technology transfer operation : together , the work done by these for third parties account for 10% of the turnover of Montpellier .
11 What the two presidential candidates lack in experience of government they make up for in wealth and good connections .
12 Those images appear amid descriptions of labour which , if not minute , are certainly particular .
13 Circulating levels of insulin , pancreatic glucagon and neurotensin are unchanged after small bowel resection , whereas enteroglucagon is increased and concentrations correlate with indices of musocal mass and cell turnover in the pancreas .
14 These privileges attach to reports of public statements and public documents .
15 Canaries fly in face of opposition
16 Proteins consist of chains of sub-units known as amino acids , each of which contains carbon , hydrogen , oxygen , and nitrogen .
17 From these observations , Hofmann and I proposed that plumes consist in part of deeply subducted oceanic crust and sediment .
18 Arctic ponds and lakes freeze to depths of 1–2.5 m from September onward , and accumulate a layer of compacted snow on top of the ice during winter .
19 His imagination rested firmly on observed fact and carefully preserved records : his extant notebooks abound in transcriptions of scenes and encounters , interlarded with direct quotations from ordinary speech .
20 Last Friday , the US rejected a Soviet suggestion that the two superpowers act as guarantors of the peace process .
21 Last Friday , the US rejected a Soviet suggestion that the two superpowers act as guarantors of the peace process .
22 More than 50 per cent of these enfants trovés perish in spite of the care that is given them .
23 Similar relationships hold for cycles of futures contracts with different delivery dates , as shown in Fig. 8.2 .
24 There is , in fact , a glittering array of dignified and sometimes very lucrative offices open to members of the Bar .
25 Low amplitude segmenting contractions coexist with contractions of higher amplitude that can be present simultaneously at points up to 10 cm apart , but do not propagate proximally or distally .
26 Whatever the parties negotiate in respect of the warranties , if any of the managers makes a false statement of fact which is material in inducing the investor(s) to enter the agreement , a right of rescission will arise , whether the statement is written into the agreement or not , either at common law if the misrepresentation is fraudulent , or under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 if it is negligent or innocent .
27 The digging is a function of territoriality — most cichlids dig as part of their breeding ritual .
28 The stables get through tons of yellow pages each month turning it into billions of bits ; surely the ultimate nightmare for anyone called JR Hartley .
29 I usually skied on the 35 miles of groomed valley trails that meander over icy , mumbling streams and through clumps of pine trees whose branches sag under dollops of snow .
30 The geometrical patterning and grotesques in the margins of holy books disappear in favour of conventional realism , birds , hunting scenes , agricultural activities .
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