Example sentences of "[noun pl] [unc] [noun sg] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What can the United Kingdom do to help , and in what context does President Yeltsin 's pronouncement about some form of United Nations ' supervision offer good news for the future ?
2 The BEA engineers , in consultation with the boiler-makers , initially concentrated on alternative options for improving boiler reliability , and they had serious doubts about the manufacturers ' capacity to make reliable unit boilers with the higher postwar steam conditions , though gradually these were adopted after 1952 .
3 Thus the criminal law defines only some types of avoidable killing as murder : it excludes , for example , deaths resulting from acts of negligence , such as employers ' failure to maintain safe working conditions in factories and mines ( Swartz 1975 ) ; or deaths resulting from an organization 's reluctance to maintain appropriate safety standards ( Erickson 1976 ) ; or deaths which result from governmental agencies ' giving environmental health risks a low priority ( Liazos 1972 ) ; or deaths resulting from drug manufacturers ' failure to conduct adequate research on new chemical compounds before embarking on aggressive marketing campaigns ( Silverman and Lee 1974 ) ; or deaths from a dangerous drug that was approved by health authorities on the strength of a bribe from a pharmaceutical company ( Braithwaite and Geis 1981 ) ; or deaths resulting from car manufacturers refusing to recall and repair thousands of known defective vehicles because they calculate that the costs of meeting civil damages will be less ( Swigert and Farrell 1981 ) ; and in most jurisdictions deaths resulting from drunken or reckless people driving cars with total indifference to the potential cost in terms of human lives are also excluded .
4 The extent of British defence cuts is still anyone 's guess , even in Whitehall ; but the Defence Manufacturers ' Association reckons real annual spending will fall to about 75% of 1990 's figure within five years .
5 The manufacturers ' list describes 46 out of 70 models as ‘ satisfactory ’ .
6 Tomorrow the Schools ' Head includes six Heriot 's entries and a composite from Dumfries Academy/Dumfries High/St Joseph 's .
7 The pressure group 's formation is the result of growing concern among certain sections of the party about women candidates ' failure to win key positions .
8 My task , after having been subjected to a six months ' course to learn Russian , was to supervise the packing up of the Wilhelmshaven dockyard , and arrange its shipment back to the Soviet Union as part reparation for the enormous damage that had been done to that country by Nazi Germany .
9 A landlord can distrain against goods and effects compromised in the bankrupt 's estate but only for six months ' rent accrued due before the commencement of the bankruptcy ( s347(1) ) .
10 Despite the parties ' failure to promote black candidates , the vast majority of voters were unaffected by ethnicity .
11 Holland has had its violent confrontations between Amsterdam and Rotterdam teams and their fans ; Borussia Dortmund 's supporters ' club had neo-Nazi links and the fascist Right in Italy have tried to infiltrate the ‘ ragazzi di stadio ’ , such as the self-styled ‘ Fighters ’ of Juventus .
12 Wrexham supporters ' club presented veteran Mickey Thomas with a special award before Tuesday 's game with Scunthorpe to mark the 600th league appearance of his career .
13 Since it is not at the moment clear how general this type of sociolinguistic pattern might be , any attempt at explanation is premature ; however , it is probably possible to relate the narrow range characteristic of the higher-status speakers ' pattern to parallel structural tendencies in languages which have undergone processes of standardization ( Milroy and Milroy 1985a , chapters 1 and 2 ) .
14 O'Carroll sees such positions exemplified by the protagonists ' refusal to accept that certain therapeutic abortions already permitted in Ireland were actually abortions and by their predictions of social chaos should they fail in their fight : ‘ Hence phrases such as ‘ the opening of the floodgates ’ , ‘ the thin end of the wedge ’ , ‘ the slippery slope ’ , ‘ the permissive society ’ , and ‘ the abortion mentality ’ ’ ( 1983 : 12 ) .
15 We are more like room mates than grandmother and grandson , ’ says Kristian who makes his debut as a presenter on hit BBC kids ' show Going Live ! on Saturday .
16 Roman portraits of public figures emphasised their subjects ' fitness to hold public office and their personal authority as heads of families .
17 Sam Sylvester , deciding that Nails 's home-life left much to be desired , set up what he called a ‘ tactful probe ’ into the Nicholson background .
18 In this regard , it reaffirmed " the urgent need " for governments , as well as multilateral and private financial institutions , to take into account the relationship between foreign debt and the developing countries ' ability to address environmental issues .
19 The Conservatives ' legislation to impose legal constraints on picketing , industrial action , the closed shop , the use of political funds , and so on , was justified as a means of removing impediments , both to the flexible operation of the labour market , and to the ‘ rights ’ and liberties of individual workers .
20 The Council 's comments followed the issue of a consultation paper from the Office of Water Services on how households should pay for water after 2000 , when the water companies ' right to use domestic rates as a basis for charging ends .
21 The biggest risk to humans however lies in the rats ' ability to carry infectious diseases .
22 But only now is a detailed understanding of the toxins ' chemistry becoming possible .
23 We are not happy with this position in that the Inspector appears to accept that while the formality of recording the transfer of motor vehicles to the directors was not processed through the accounting records , he is by implication accepting that they were recorded , in order to have the directors ' loan accounts overdrawn while ignoring the dividend .
24 ( 9 ) If the bidder is proposing to offer consideration shares then , unless it already has sufficient authorised but unissued share capital and the appropriate directors ' authority to allot such shares , it will need to pass ordinary resolutions increasing its authorised share capital and granting the directors an authority under CA 1985 , s80 .
25 Taking the early batches of eggs or fry away may interfere with the parents ' ability to raise later batches , so I leave a few batches with a new pair until they get the knack , which may not be at the first attempt .
26 Ragu 's name meant ‘ anger ’ — and his parents ' choice seemed appropriate .
27 But it seemed that the Parents ' Association thought fifty pounds a week for merely one phase of the competition excessive .
28 And when the network of 120,000 miles of footpaths is threatened — when paths are blocked by barbed wire or by crops like oilseed rape which you simply ca n't walk through — The Ramblers ' Association campaigns long and hard to keep the countryside open .
29 The Suffolk side had the perfect start , as the impressive Fry waltzed through the visitors ' defence to settle any early nerves and just six minutes later the title was effectively Tuddenham Road bound .
30 Midfield dynamo Dave Gilbert and striker Mendonca linked well on the left , but the visitors ' defence held firm , ensuring Grimsby 's forward thrusts rarely progressed further than the midfield .
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