Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These accounts may therefore imply that , as language strengthens its hold on consciousness and , through writing , on the explicit world of knowledge , objects may retain their place in the ordering of the unconscious world .
2 Production staff must be conscious that how they build products may affect its EMC performance ; service engineers , likewise , must be sure that they do not compromise EMC once products are in the field ; the purchasing department must be aware that EMC constraints placed on suppliers may make a component more expensive to buy , but will probably save money when the end product is tested as a whole ; and the marketing and sales department must plan to sell the advantage which EMC brings to a product .
3 Most homeless persons and families have the common feature of poverty although a variety of personal and other reasons may underlie their homelessness .
4 But she was still slightly surprised when she found Father Barnes showing round groups of visitors , experts interested in Victorian architecture , who enthused over the baldachin , admired the Pre-Raphaelite paintings on the eight panels of the pulpit , or set up their tripods to photograph the apse , and who compared it , in confident , un-ecclesiastical tones ( surely even experts ought to lower their voices in church ) with the Cathedral of Torcello near Venice or with Blomfield 's similar basilica at Jericho in Oxford .
5 Activator and quencher ions may produce their effects at extremely low concentrations , below the detection limits of the electron microprobe .
6 Here there is usually a ramp or board up which cyclists may push their bicycle .
7 Here there is usually a ramp or board up which cyclists may push their bicycle .
8 The true nature and worth of such pursuits may elude their contemporaries , since history tends to impose a time-lag on the degree to which the public can keep in touch with the sensibilities of the artist .
9 Groups may hire our facilities hourly , daily , weekend or on a weekly basis .
10 You 've certainly got me interested , and the shipping accounts may take my mind off being cross with you .
11 The Lions must get their act together on Wednesday in New Plymouth when they play Taranaki .
12 In particular , the Panel is concerned that it should be made clear in the offer document , acceptance form and subsequent documents whether shareholders must lodge their certificates by the closing date of the cash underwritten alternative in addition to their completed acceptance forms in order to receive cash ( see para 11.3.16 below ) .
13 Compact employers should encourage their employees who belong to unions to work in schools , and should allow them paid time to do so .
14 Well , basically everyone that 's present at these meetings should get our Work in Progress meeting minutes .
15 After interviews have been conducted , interviewers must check their schedules for errors of recording , omissions , or any other faults , and good supervision will again ensure that this is done .
16 The FSA 's position is clear the Football Licensing Authority , set up as a Government quango to impose all-seaters must widen its remit and become a national body to impose standards of safety and comfort .
17 Neither Denmark nor Ireland like the defence implications , and both would oppose any suggestion that the small EC states should lose their right to appoint a European commissioner .
18 The MPs said the horseracing authorities should modernise their procedures and act ‘ in a less class biased fashion in attributing blame for these events ’ .
19 In particular , family health services authorities should consider which skills they require ‘ in house ’ and which they need to ‘ buy in ’ .
20 The dependence thesis , it will be remembered , is a moral thesis about the way authorities should use their powers .
21 That is why we must have complaints procedures that can be worked and really do work , why authorities must use their powers in the proper way and why we must have constant vigilance .
22 Local authorities must have their accounts vetted in the same way , but district auditors — appointed by central government — have additional functions .
23 The wage labourers must sell their labour power in order to survive since they do not own a part of the means of production and lack the means to produce goods independently .
24 They also raised for consideration the possibility of reducing the period beyond the end of the accounting year in which solicitors must submit their report from 6 to 3 months .
25 The parents who buy these bikes should take their offspring to the park to cycle .
26 The Germans should recall their experiences in the area , when the fighting tied down seven German divisions .
27 At least that 's the view of Harry Mulholland of Carpetworld , who maintains that housewives should put their faith in the traditional wool Axminster carpets , for sheer quality and durability .
28 Meanwhile , the government claims that old currency left in interest-bearing accounts should hold its value , so long as it is not spent .
29 The notice to the creditors must state a time and date , not more than four days before the meeting , by when the creditors must lodge their proofs of debt ( Form 6.37 in Sched 4 to the rules , see App C , form 34 ) and , if applicable , proxies , in order to entitle them to vote at the first meeting ( r 6.79(4) ) .
30 Banks/organisations should notify their interest and cessation of interest on the advice form shown in Appendix C.
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