Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But these reasons may have little to do with intrinsic features of their religion .
2 Although the force of custom and prevailing values may appear sufficient to account for traditional differences in the economic roles of spouses , and although people conforming to convention need not be aware of any financial motivation to do so , customary practice is reinforced by an economic rationale .
3 The contemporary meaning and significance of phenomena may have little to do with the shape and form which links them , however remotely , with the past .
4 Schools may feel powerless to alter a situation in which wider economic and political forces have such a crucial influence .
5 Furthermore , if the local authority is known to favour particular kinds of programmes , voluntary organisations applying for funds may feel obliged to tailor their applications accordingly .
6 Although the client 's permission will always be sought before a trainee sits in , many clients may feel unable to refuse , even though they are certain that they will be uncomfortable with a third party present .
7 Using Dement 's analogy , rather than taking their sleep in one meal , subjects may achieve enough to keep going by snatching " snacks " .
8 These students were aware that they were being magnanimous towards the arts ; very few conceded that the arts might have more to offer than sciences .
9 The schools could do little to alleviate this but did their best , working alongside social workers and educational psychologists , for example , to try to help these children .
10 He was concerned that to include the large Asian countries in such a scheme would introduce problems that the small nations could find difficult to resolve .
11 Most who drive cars would agree that does not make us expert mechanics .
12 For instance , there is the question of the length of the school day : some schools will feel obliged to extend the ‘ pupil day ’ in order better to cope with ‘ curriculum delivery ’ .
13 It is hoped that readers will feel able to draw on the ideas presented to develop the work further and to apply it to a wider range of contexts .
14 As the year progresses it is hoped that companies will begin to feel confident enough to invest in new production and distribution facilities but the construction of new offices will remain subdued reflecting the stock of vacant buildings which still exist .
15 If there are considerable fluctuations in exchange rates under floating , world trade may be inhibited since traders will become reluctant to enter into commitments because the price paid on delivery may vary to such an extent that the transaction is no longer profitable to one of the parties .
16 The existence of such substantial relief to owner-occupiers produces a major vested interest which political parties will find hard to ignore , particularly as the ranks of the owner-occupiers are swelling all the time .
17 At £20,500-a-year , the 85 drivers will need French to converse with Gallic colleagues .
18 Many otters died after toxic chemicals were spilled into the river but its hoped the new otter homes will encourage hundreds to return .
19 Schools can do much to improve discipline in schools without the use of sanctions — by motivating pupils ( emphasising and rewarding achievement ) , improving the physical environment , giving pupils more say and more responsibility , involving parents , and so on .
20 Schools can do much to foster good behaviour and attainments and … even in a disadvantaged area schools can be a force for good .
21 Since the approach was fairly new to all interviewed ( none had been operating it for more than nine months ) the responses may have more to do with expectations than experience , but nevertheless they serve to sketch out the potential of the care programme approach to affect every aspect of mental health care , for good or ill .
22 Many of our most popular and spectacular landscapes have industrial pasts which today 's visitors would find hard to believe .
23 The three phone lines would remain open to take his call , and tapped .
24 Along with hereditary endowments these experiences will go far to determine the kinds of adult they will grow into , the kinds of images they will form of themselves and those around them , and the kinds of relationships they will have with others .
25 It is something on which they can rely and something that their colleagues in other countries will find difficult to deny .
26 The one for cleaning commodities will include those used in the chalets . ’
27 Pale shades reflect light , opening out small areas , while on the other hand , dark , rich tones will absorb light to make a room look smaller .
28 A soil rich in humus will have a greater capacity for water retention , aeration will be improved with less leaching of nutrients , and heavier soils will become easier to work .
29 Western countries can do little to influence the political power struggle currently going on in Moscow .
30 So I would see it as something of a network , internationally , to try and provide research and study related to how all countries can move better to take account of the never greater level of inter-dependence within the world economy .
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