Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] never [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , and to add insult to injury , these off-centre policies are never supported by a clear majority of the electorate .
2 Living in such a cloistered world such operations are never looked at objectively but simply as a means of gaining personal kudos for one small group within an agency .
3 However , attitudes are never changed without causing offence ; hence the anger which often lies behind certain remarks about ‘ aggressive ’ women .
4 Assumptions ( ii ) and ( iii ) may present considerable problems in practise for in reality loads are never applied to the ends of a sample , but to its side-ends , and so the uniformity of stress across the sample is called into question .
5 Cultural forms are never established by technical conveniences .
6 The principles of credit rating are immutable , they insist ; their credit opinions are never swayed by the judgments of others .
7 Further , even if it may be true that characteristic adjectives are never barred from prenominal occurrence , there are certainly instances where occasion adjectives are ungrammatical in postnominal position , as in : ( 30 ) Eddy will present the cheque to the winner happy we have yet to overcome this obstacle immediate Thus , Bolinger 's distinction between " characteristic " use and " occasion " use is neither necessary nor sufficient for postnominal occurrence , even if it overlaps to an interesting extent with the difference in position of the adjective .
8 Children of all ages are never forgotten at Sunwing — there 's a ‘ Club 13 ’ and ‘ Club 18 ’ , as well as a miniclub for the youngest ( and most energetic ) holidaymakers .
9 ‘ Sir , ’ they say , ‘ thank God there is someone … restored my faith in human nature … performed a signal service … struck a blow for common sense and ordinary human decency … exposed the hypocrisy of those who for our sins are set in authority over us … expressed what the vast majority of people fed … spoken up for the minority whose views are never taken into account … ’
10 Their voices are never raised in greeting — the whole week I ca n't remember a shout bar the occasional ‘ hola ’ .
11 Maxwell Fyfe 's guidelines were never meant to be taken seriously but were merely a piece of bureaucratic window-dressing .
12 In December 1942 an Inspectorate of Eastern Troops was set up to supervise the formation and training of the proliferating military units ; but each was subordinated to a German unit ; and although an officer 's academy was established at Mariumpol , Lithuania ( later Conflans , France ) , the units were never assembled into tactical formations , and were largely posted on occupation duties to Western and Southern Europe .
13 ( One of the cruellest ironies of the death camps is that Jews were never meant to be thin . )
14 Many bookcases and sets of shelves displayed in furniture shops were never designed by a book man or anyone well acquainted with books , especially where sizes are concerned .
15 It was rumoured that banknotes were never withdrawn from circulation but simply frayed away .
16 When he sat and talked to Jekub , frogs were never dragged into the conversation .
17 Giant rectal contractions were never seen in normal subjects .
18 The United Nations was never intended to police the world .
19 The Orkney parents were never informed by the Islands ' Social Work Department of their own legal rights and the statutory powers , duties and roles of the agencies involved .
20 One person pointed out that , if it was not an accident , there were serious political overtones and the convention had been long established that political matters were never raised at presbytery meetings .
21 In fact , the tools turn out to be either simply copper or arsenical copper ( none are made of bronze ) , whereas weapons are never made of copper alone and most are tin bronze .
22 Of course , farm workers were never left in any doubt as to where the power in their village lay , but on the whole class conflict was rarely overt .
23 In such towns as Marlborough and Thame — and many others — the market places were never built upon , but remain wide and open to this day .
24 Some provision was made for the giving of legal advice by salaried solicitors outside the ambit of private practice in the Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949 , but the part of the Act which would have established full-time paid solicitors located at the Legal Aid Area Headquarters and travelling to smaller places was never brought into force .
25 They say that the sheets in questions were never stored at the museum .
26 The families were never asked for their own perspective of the events or the allegations .
27 As a technology expert Vine-Lott takes no pleasure in saying that he warned that Taurus , the paperless sharedealing scheme that had to be abandoned earlier this year at a cost of hundreds of millions of pounds was never going to work the way it was being developed .
28 They die in secret , and their bodies are never found in the open .
29 For practical purposes , the forgeries were never heard of again .
30 Equally , individual non-observation sentences are never confirmed by experience .
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