Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [vb pp] to some " in BNC.

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1 The port 's operations are subsidized to some extent by the local authorities but in the main the port is financed by port dues and this had led to a demand that any port land released for development should yield significant port use in order to generate revenue .
2 Because people like to think that culture is different from other commercially produced goods ( ‘ art ’ embodies individual expression ) , standardized methods and forms are masked to some extent by a show of artisan craftsmanship and by ‘ pseudo-individualized ’ effects .
3 The top two are connected but the bottom two are not ; but any small portion of either of the bottom two also appears somewhere in one of the top two , so any node whose inputs are restricted to some small region can not behave differently for connected and disconnected inputs .
4 The nature and interrelationship between these entities is a difficult and debated subject , and readers are referred to some of the best-known texts on the subject .
5 All the major parties were committed to some extent to discredited policies and persons .
6 Inevitably , follow up appointments were given to some extent on a subjective basis according to the laser endoscopist 's previous experience .
7 The libraries were standardised to some degree .
8 He accepts that their actions are constrained to some extent by trade unions , workers , managers , and the government of the day ( in the last case particularly if the Conservative Party is not in government ) .
9 Bureaucracies are involved to some extent in the input and conversion processes as they are in the output phase .
10 3 Where possible , procedures should be established to ensure that all documents coming from new trading partners are referred to some responsible person within the business for consideration .
11 It showed 34 per cent of all trees were damaged to some degree .
12 Though the generals were brought to some sort of obedience by the Cortes and the Regency , in the provinces they used the ‘ egoism ’ of the Juntas and their endless disputes with the relics of the old administration in order to extend their own power .
13 The strength of the critics ’ arguments was neutralized to some extent by Macmillan 's determination to seek both nuclear and conventional disarmament with the twin-track approach , which has remained valid to this day : maintaining the potency of the deterrent while , at the same time , seeking genuine arms limitation , if not disarmament .
14 This suggests that Birmingham 's interests are focussed to some extent on specialist sub-fields , which are proportionally poorly represented in the set of all the journals on earth sciences .
15 Miracles were attributed to some saints and special powers to others .
16 There are smaller differences between countries for this variable than for the other dependents , and the overall significant correlations are reflected to some extent in all countries except Japan .
17 She was , in other words , a genuine believer in the ideals of enlightened government ( perhaps a more sincere one than the king of Prussia ) ; but her application of these ideals was limited to some extent by her personal weaknesses and far more by the demands and pressures of the situation in which history had placed her .
18 Other distinctions that were drawn — between democracy and absolutism , between monarchy and republic , between Western political institutions and ‘ Oriental despotism ’ — expressed current political interests and ideological commitments ; and indeed all the attempts to construct a typology of political systems are marked to some degree by an intermingling of scientific analysis and the value judgements which arise from real political struggles .
19 On the other hand , while the High Authority required the support of the Council in , for example , any attempt to limit output because of overproduction or when seeking an equitable distribution of supplies during a shortage in output , the Council of Ministers was inhibited to some extent because the national governments did not directly finance the ECSC .
20 News of the Dresden talks was announced to some 20,000 people packing churches there , and was broadcast on the city tannoy system in Leipzig on Monday afternoon .
21 She reckons that more than 70% of schoolgirls are subjected to some form of sexual harassment by their male teachers , and that a significant number are physically exploited or even raped .
22 When the fish were ready to spawn , the same chemicals were added to some of the streams feeding the lake .
23 Well the Ministry of Defence came into Harrogate just over fifty years ago and the jobs were done to some e to a large extent by people who might never have come to Harrogate if the Ministry of Defence had not er brought them in .
24 Therefore , our recommendations were tailored to some selective targeted measures which the Government could implement to avoid conceding increases across the board .
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