Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 ( The separate ‘ Tramways ’ enumerated in the 1902 and 1903 Acts are set out in Appendix B ) .
2 In the Middle East and Latin American countries , business discussions are carried out in very close proximity , involving physical contact , which many Western salespeople find strange .
3 The project 's main aims and objects are set out in an editorial by R. B. McKerrow carried in the first issue .
4 Many of the prisoners are locked up in their cells for most of the 24 hours in the day .
5 The young boy 's skills are summed up in an account published in October 1766 :
6 As most drift-netting operations are carried out in international waters where little or no international agreements are in force , it is extremely difficult to control this destruction of life on the high seas , or even to get an accurate picture of its magnitude .
7 Such operations are carried out in Treasury bills , of one or more specified ( usually short ) maturities .
8 These last projects are carried out in collaboration with the BGS Hydrogeology Group .
9 Many research projects are carried out in collaboration with other universities and companies ( both local and international ) .
10 For a manufacturing company , alternative product/market strategies are set out in the tables below .
11 Details of the cases are set out in Table 5. l .
12 The rules which apply to such cases and can be derived from the cases are summed up in Chitty on Contracts as follows : ( 1 ) If the person receiving the document did not know that there was writing or printing on it , he is not bound .
13 These reactions are carried out in flowing low-pressure gas streams .
14 When the multiplications are carried out in the order indicated , the upper Hessenberg form is maintained throughout , If , however , we begin by multiplying the central three matrices , the upper Hessenberg form is lost , with a accompanying loss of simplicity .
15 As previous research into juvenile delinquency has found , spare time activities are carried out in groups .
16 This method of organisation occurs when similar activities are carried out in widely different locations .
17 The way in which the above activities are set out in this handbook is deliberately quite detailed in order to suit those who prefer to know how to do everything step by step .
18 The staffing proposals are set out in the attached report from the Management Services Division , together with the financial implications of the proposals .
19 These houses are laid out in terraces on the hillside with porticoes and colonnaded peristyles .
20 These voltages are connected up in series along the length of the fish so that , in a strongly electric fish such as an electric eel , the whole battery generates as much as lamp at 650 volts .
21 First , simple diffusion of chemicals could provide the signals ; secondly , if patterns are laid down in such small fields , their later development may largely be due to programmed growth .
22 The new separator relies on electrophoresis : different molecules are pulled off in different directions toward positive or negative electrodes .
23 The rules of construction applied to contracts are set out in Chitty on Contracts , Chapter 12 , paras 808 – 883 .
24 There is now light at the end of the runnel as the contracts are let out in the final stage this month .
25 As fibre-rich waste products are broken down in the large bowel , a number of products are formed apart from the release of calories .
26 The first Chameleon products are expected out in 1996 .
27 If migrating birds are caught up in a storm , or blown off course , it can be disastrous for , even undisturbed these vast journeys stretch them to the limit .
28 This view of economic change is not shared by the other two theoretical accounts , whose views are set out in sections 3.4 and 3.5 .
29 The extent to which personality characteristics are passed on in this genetic way is less certain .
30 The guidelines are set out in paragraph two , in terms of the , the strategy .
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