Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [vb pp] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 For the same reason the population estimates given in the species accounts are meant only to indicate the order of size .
2 Damages in libel cases are intended generally to compensate the plaintiff for loss of face , and specifically for any loss of work or earnings which can be proved to have been suffered as a result of the libel .
3 The other two cases are included primarily to emphasize that a wide variety of phenomena is contained within the Lorenz equations , although , since yet further variety can be obtained by varying r/r c and b , they can do so only by example .
4 Meals are taken irregularly , sleep-cycles are disturbed and leisure activities are pushed aside to allow time for more interaction with the machine .
5 What Lord Airlie , the Lord Chamberlain , actually said on 11 February when announcing the areas on which the Queen was now going to pay tax , was that the income-raising activities relating to the collection — sales of tickets , catalogues , souvenirs etc — are to be put into a trust to reflect the fact that these activities are used exclusively to maintain the Collection .
6 All family health services authorities are funded equally to purchase professional advice on prescribing , but evaluation of the success of medical advisers has been impeded by a variety of changes that have affected prescribing .
7 It is clear that such forms are designed primarily to protect the hospital from legal action .
8 The motor of Fig.1.5 has six stator teeth and the windings on opposite teeth are connected together to form one phase .
9 Spending on advice and assistance — a scheme unique to Scotland , where solicitors are consulted initially to consider bringing cases — had reached £19.2 million compared with £15.4 million .
10 Rotational needs — the venue may change when meetings are held regularly to allow delegates equal ease of access
11 Iced sardines are trodden underfoot to soften them up .
12 Animals are killed only to avert mystical dangers which cause illness and death .
13 What happens is this : it is swimming along on a near-horizontal plane when it spots a morsel of food , which it can see quite comfortably directly below it in shallow-enough water because its eyes are tilted downwards to allow for this facility .
14 The units are put together to form meaningful chains of symbolism but the same units may turn up in quite different ritual contexts .
15 Does the Prime Minister accept that one of the great achievements of the Olympic movement is to bring nations together in sporting endeavour and excellence and that similarly , despite the forthcoming general election , all political parties are brought together to support this country 's bid to host the Olympic games in the year 2000 ?
16 They 're just sitting around in their warm staff-rooms , chewing the fat , while the kids are sent home to get into mischief .
17 Since the convention 's Funds are used mainly to help protect World Heritage sites in developing countries , responsibility was assigned to the Overseas Development Agency , part of the Foreign Office .
18 Large numbers of tiny oval corallites are linked together to form chains .
19 Hierarchy and clergy are seen almost to monopolize the teaching and wisdom about life .
20 Shoppers are urged today to act as the ‘ eyes and ears ’ of the police after the IRA promised more carnage in the 21 days to Christmas .
21 The Government 's education policies in schools are designed entirely to raise standards , to increase choice and to improve information to parents .
22 That schools be encouraged both to maintain their choral tradition and to liaise with local church musicians , in order to agree on a common repertoire of hymns and songs ( 610–614 ) .
23 Teachers in elementary schools were trained specifically to teach in them , secondary school teachers were mostly graduates and their wages and social standing were much higher than their elementary colleagues ' .
24 And then , following Ralph Nader 's ( 1965 ) exposure of the car industry 's products as being ‘ Unsafe At Any Speed ’ , the President 's Task Force Report on crime ( 1967 ) , and Watergate 's revelation of massive corporate funds being paid illegally to curry political favours and de-stabilize South American democratic governments , there was a renew-ed interest in crimes committed in the good name of major corporations .
25 The phosphate concentrations were changed accordingly to incorporate the molar calcium to phosphate ratio of about 0.5 , which is typical for human diets .
26 HARD-UP shoppers were warned yesterday to beware of cut-price fakes .
27 Erm how types of craftsmen were employed there to do things ?
28 Once the four old aircraft hangars were erected side-by-side to make the Central Works , construction of the first completely new car began .
29 Regrettably , the Court of Appeal has no power in such cases to substitute its own award of damages , and the parties were sent away to face the expensive prospect of a fresh trial , which they avoided by agreeing that the damages should be £60,000 .
30 At first instance the three parties were held equally to blame and the plaintiff 's damages were therefore reduced by one-third .
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