Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [art] [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 LIFE insurance endowment policies are a great way to build up a family nest egg for the future .
2 Family outings on bikes are a good way to make the best of summer days .
3 These forms are the only way nominations can be accepted .
4 Accessories are the quickest way to add colour to a room .
5 Products are a long way down the line .
6 For those who have a problem and feel very isolated , these groups are a valuable way of re-introducing themselves to society .
7 Clearly , spectroscopic methods based on femtosecond pulses are an appropriate way to observe the unstable dissociating ( or transition ) states that exist fleetingly as the molecules fall apart .
8 He believes that ‘ managed currency funds are a good way of protecting the purchasing power of sterling-based investors .
9 Styles are a convenient way of summarizing a collection of different behaviours under one heading .
10 ‘ Technically , valves are the worst way to do it , because they are in essence microphonic .
11 ‘ Technically , valves are the worst way to do it , because they are in essence microphonic .
12 The casings were a little way to the right , spilling out of a back door to the club .
13 Many of its own supporters advised Bakufu leaders that concessions were the only way to forestall more radical action .
14 Investing in BES companies or funds is an effective way to reduce your tax bill but whether the investments also prove profitable remains debatable .
15 Yes , I do n't think changing borders is the right way to approach this problem .
16 This series of six graded comprehension books is an excellent way of helping pupils develop reading skills .
17 But this commercial peg : ‘ All industry knows that to please the teenagers is the golden way to big dividends ’ , contained all manner of occluded and contradictory messages .
18 Males have a blue face , especially on the cheeks , while females do not , and the presence or absence of iridescent blue on the lips is a sure way of separating males from females even at small sizes ( say 1.5″ S.L. )
19 Riding winners was the only way he knew how to re-establish his self-worth , let alone his public esteem .
20 The deputy general manager of the Cairngorm Chairlift Company , Tim Whittome , said last night : ‘ Their heads and feet are the wrong way round , but it would be impertinent to point it out to them . ’
21 If the machine does n't try to access the A : drive , i.e. the light stays off , either the BIOS has been instructed , in the set-up , not to seek the A : drive , or both floppy drive connectors are the wrong way round .
22 Anne was right in saying that ‘ you tend to lose the origin of it ’ ; the origins are a long way from what remains , but it does not really matter .
23 ‘ And the Buskett Gardens are a long way from the back streets of Valletta . ’
24 Demos are an excellent way for amateur programmers to hone their skills as they can set themselves any task they wish to perfect , be it exciting text scrollies , explosive FX , multiple sprite animation ( mention sprite masking and you 're a dead man ! — Ed ) , rotation , scaling or just about any other facet that makes Commodore games so wild ‘ n ’ wonderful .
25 Height lines are a quick way of establishing a vertical scale .
26 Our crafts were a long way from collision … ’
27 Encouraging visitors is an efficient way of making BGS more widely known .
28 If you do n't hear the sound of the drives spinning up to speed then one of the connectors is the wrong way round .
29 See what I 'm saying is the key task if you break it down is what are the key elements is the first way of identifying a trainee .
30 London futures prices rose 15% to £670 ( $1,170 ) a tonne , but fell within hours : coffee is plentiful and a new international deal on export quotas is a long way off .
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