Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [verb] with some " in BNC.

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1 There are several related techniques , all having the common feature that some combination of the inputs ( resources consumed ) by health care programmes are compared with some combination of the outputs ( improvements in health obtained ) .
2 Our grandchildren were playing with some large pinecones which got chattered around the garden .
3 Exports of wildlife products to the US are worth US$10 million a year to Korea , which has promised to become a party to CITES , although its promises are viewed with some scepticism by conservationists .
4 The seismic teams are faced with some challenges in gathering data , as the concessions are in the Saharan sand sea and contain some of the largest dunes in the world .
5 Well-chosen stories are illustrated with some interesting photographs .
6 Whenever all the reps are completed with some strength still in reserve , then the weight should be increased , never the reps .
7 The awkward changes of tone caused by these disclosures are managed with some skill by the Watford cast , all of whom also do their impressive best to polish up the lustreless comic lines they are lumbered with .
8 Those who have urged wider activity by select committees were faced with some uncertainty about how MPs would react to this development .
9 The area from which the working-class housewives come is an area of mixed housing in which rented flats and rooms are interspersed with some owner-occupied dwellings .
10 A common lawyer , as in the 1520s , might seem a better choice than either a noble or a cleric in an office so concerned with the law , but in the early fourteenth century common lawyers were regarded with some suspicion by the king-witness the attempts to get them barred from parliament — and by people whose complaints about the corruption of lay judges were frequent until late in the century .
11 Trainees are provided with some choice over the sequence of training material depending on competence demonstrated .
12 Thousands of babies are born with some form of birth defect and most have immediately to go into incubators with doctors and nurses having to work round the clock to give them intensive care .
13 The results were greeted with some scepticism by Donnie Munro , lead singer of the rock group Runrig , rector of Edinburgh University and regarded by many young Scots as a spokesman .
14 The introduction of biguanides was met with some scepticism of their efficacy and fears about the possibility of precipitating lactic acidosis .
15 ‘ We know that hospital caterers are struggling with some severe economic constraints , ’ says Roden .
16 Ambitious plans for all four towns were despatched with some ceremony to the Department of the Environment in London .
17 The task of establishing and encouraging national cultural activities was pursued with some vigour by the new ministry .
18 North Uist is almost more water than land ; Benbecula , a sparkling silver-blue maze ; whilst the South Uist machair plains are adorned with some of Europe 's finest sea-trout and brown trout lochs .
19 A top line interior decorator had been given a free hand when Hugo had bought the triplex two years ago and no expense had been spared — the walls were hung with some of Hugo 's collection of Old Masters , glowing against the background of watered silk , the shelves were lined with leather bound first editions which neither Hugo nor Sally would ever open , much less read , every nook and cranny was filled with treasures and objets d'art displayed on dainty pedestals .
20 Students were also interviewed with the aim of ascertaining their feelings about , and approaches to , their studies ; and later interviews were held with some students and teaching staff to provide further information about the study habits and attitudes of this age group and to investigate the study demands that are made .
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