Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Family size is shrinking as mothers no longer need large numbers of children to work either down the mines or in the factories ( the machine would take anybody to work for it at first ) or to ensure that a few would survive ; high infant mortality rates are now becoming a thing of the past .
2 But it is unlikely to happen at the hustings or in the run up to the election .
3 The task of ordering the Church 's worship is too awesome to be left to chance , either in the hope that the person responsible for it will pick up the necessary skills or in the belief that it can be done by anyone .
4 Now only a single motif could be seen , worn openly on chest or collar , on hems or in the form of jewellery , on pendants about the neck or emblazoned on a ring or brooch : the double-helix of heredity .
5 Ionomers : synthetic polymers containing ionisable groups , either covalently bound to polymer chains or in the polymer matrix .
6 He said clients keen to move into Britain have had deals ‘ in the pipeline ’ but were delaying them out of concern about a Labour government 's competition policies or in the hope of further interest rate cuts .
7 Health is another , whether in the form of workplace hazards that pose broader dangers or in the form of struggles to defend the health service .
8 This together with their long continuance in flower , has justly render 'd them the most valuable of all the sorts of flowering shrubs … the great Variety of different Sorts of Roses make a collection of Flowers , either for Basons or in the Garden , without any other additional mixture and their Scent , being the most inoffensive Sweet , is generally esteemed .
9 It was a while since he had used his fists in the fairground boxing-booths or in the army regimental championships , and a thrill of excitement surged through him — but his opponent 's reactions were sluggish , and his lumbering attempts at counter-blows had no weight behind them .
10 A general name for the familiar demon or mischievous spirit who dwells in private houses or in the chinks of trees .
11 At Edinburgh University , Mathematics may be studied in the Faculty of Arts or in the Faculty of Science and Engineering .
12 They are not available on news stands or in the hotels .
13 Up until then most of John 's friends and colleagues had heard any news in rather a fragmented way at parties or in the pub , which was frustrating for them .
14 Time and again I have met folk who have been warmed by the Spirit to perceive the beauty of Christ in the life of a group of believers or in the story of the New Testament , and have come to faith that way .
15 However , the problem with contact lenses and glasses is that your eyes can change over time , so it is imperative that problems are sorted out as soon as possible , as it will be difficult to establish whether the fault lies in your eyes or in the lenses .
16 ‘ You see you have to have a situation in schools where in the end teachers — and this gentleman is a visiting teacher — can give reasonable orders to people just as you do in a home .
17 In all the analyses the presence of human NF-L DNA in the offspring of the founder mice was determined by Southern blot analysis ( 19 ) of DNA extracted from the tails or in the case of younger mice either placenta or liver .
18 It can happen during the growing period , during storage , on the farm , in the shops or in the home and is due to the presence of chlorophyll within the potato .
19 Now in drama an excessive degree of vested interest in either the technical aspects or in the substance of the subject-matter can upset the balance so that the ‘ game ’ of drama and the necessary spontaneity that goes with it disappear .
20 The Brigades carry out ‘ acts of repudiation ’ which usually involve accosting known or suspected dissidents in their homes or in the street , chanting pro-government slogans and sometimes physically attacking them .
21 Rather remarkable set of photographs by James Cotier of elderly Hungarians , photographed nude in the Art Deco splendour of the Gallert Turkish baths or in the artist 's studio using platinum prints .
22 This does not mean that that intelligibility can be wholly captured in the formulations or in the mind of the theologian ; it does , however , mean that the divine intelligibility comes across to us , that God gives himself to be known and understood , and that the understanding that is made possible in theology is and is intended to be a genuine understanding and an authentic contact with the intelligibility of God .
23 For him , there is not enough room in life for anything but one-to-one relationships and then as now , Niki has always been better in such relationships than in the goings-on of a board or a team .
24 However , the significance of all this is unclear : in the southeastern part of the province there appears to be a greater inter-relationship of designs than in the west .
25 This bursting activity was massively — up to fourfold — higher in the methylanthranilate-trained animals than in the controls which had pecked the water bead .
26 I should like to remind your readers that in the USA in all incarcerational jurisdictions — municipal , state , and federal — much of the early medical assessment , evaluation , and treatment is done by physician assistants .
27 You get better speeches than in the Commons , ’ he insists .
28 The unit of resource ( the yearly cost per full time student ) has always been lower in the polytechnics than in the universities and recent downward pressure has widened the gap from £1,425 in 1982 to £2,315 in 1986/87 .
29 In addition , the Royal Society of Arts offers somewhat similar Teacher 's Certificate courses in Office Arts and in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language for about l , 100 and 2,000 candidates and the College of Preceptors operates a relatively small programme leading to its Associateship and eventually to its Licentiateship , a qualification which is recognized as degree equivalent .
30 I think it 's fair to say that it 's not quite as simple as just deleting that item out of the budget , there are in fact I think five or six people working for community arts and in the events of that item being deleted we would presumably have to add on the costs of making them redundant erm an an an and dis erm the community arts scheme I think represents , it 's true to say , a range of expertise .
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