Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fault is not entirely that of the sanitary authorities or of the immediate landlords …
2 He was knighted in 1932 and was subsequently made a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh .
3 After a brief review of attempts to specify organizational characteristics and of the methodological problems they pose to the researcher , a preliminary study is reported .
4 Of these L. terrestris , A. longa , and A. nocturna are deep burrowers and of the greatest significance in maintaining soil structure .
5 It would describe , sector by sector , the pressures that economic activities exert — but also the positive contribution that can be made to the environment as a consequence of advances in those sectors and of the economic growth they produce .
6 His lectures became notable and popular ; he had a command of words and of the crisp phrase .
7 He was vice-president of the Royal College of Pathologists and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and he served on many university and Health Service committees as chairman .
8 Gamsakhurdia had subsequently taken personal control of the Interior , Foreign and Justice ministries and of the republican KGB .
9 Even with the inclusion of additional primary and secondary schools and of the middle schools , the total sample eventually consisted of only 716 teachers , instead of the intended 800 .
10 Into this scene of gossip and legend , of curious artistry and strange wonders , Lanfranc brought a more modern mind , great administrative ability , and a clear , constructive , expert knowledge of the up-to-date learning of the schools and of the monastic life in its contemporary forms .
11 Even today , the toll of addictive disease is still terrible yet many of those who die were aware of the 12 Steps and of the other recommendations of the Anonymous Fellowships .
12 Crawford ensured that no one under fourteen would be allowed into the performances because of the strong language and much hopping in and out of bed — and he banned his grandmother .
13 These are sometimes smaller than their stellar images because of the distorting effect of the Earth 's atmosphere . ’
14 This can be illustrated from a wide variety of cases : the uses of literacy for social control in nineteenth century Canada , for instance , where any ‘ critical ’ element was carefully excluded ( Graff , 1979 ) ; the restriction of the content of written forms to religious tracts by the Methodist missionaries who introduced literacy to Fiji in the nineteenth century ( Clammer , 1976 ) ; the examples from British literacy campaigns that show how illiteracy developed in schools because of the class-based nature of schooling ( Mace , 1979 ) ; the uses of literacy for religious and symbolic purposes in Ghana ( Goody , 1968 ) ; the greater trust placed by thirteenth century knights in England on seals and symbols as means of legitimating charters and rights to land and their suspicion of the written document as more likely to be forged and inaccurate ( Clanchy , 1979 ) ; the development in Iranian villages of forms of literacy taught in Koranic schools into forms of literacy appropriate for commercial trading in a rapidly modernising and urbanising economy ( Section 2 ) .
15 Hearnden said corporal punishment , though rare , is still legal , and added that people of all religious beliefs send their children to certain schools because of the Christian values taught .
16 The portrayal of this tragic figure is possibly one of the most demanding of all male roles because of the sheer complexity of the incidents where Rudolf is always the centre .
17 If help can be given from other er national funds because of the moral and compassionate er nature of the case , well that 's fine , and that maybe what some Health Authorities have been pressing .
18 Other countries , especially those in surplus , were facing an inflow of dollars in exchange for their currencies because of the potential capital gains that would accrue to speculators if the dollar was devalued .
19 Commensal species like the house mouse and rat from dwellings slightly removed from the trap lines may be present in the owl assemblage but absent from the traps because of the larger range of the owl .
20 The advantages include those associated with the interferometer ( see above ) and the associated computer , those associated with the high-power directed beam of the laser , which may also be operated in pulses rather than continuously , and also the virtual elimination of fluorescent background signals because of the long wavelength of the laser radiation .
21 One view is that successor States can not be regarded as third parties because of the continuing link between their territory and the treaty .
22 The DoH has taken six months to revise the guidelines because of the initial controversy over the draft , followed by the publicity surrounding juvenile crime and new plans from the Home Office to set up ‘ secure training units ’ for 12- to 15-year old offenders .
23 But the ( pull ) set is only one of many : the others , although often salient , are usually unsuitable for quantification throughout the range of speaker variables because of the low numbers of tokens attested ( many examples are listed in J. Milroy , 1981 ) .
24 I thought about the early Scottish settlers of the Great Plains of America who endured terrible confusions because of the pure space they had never experienced before , except perhaps at sea .
25 In so far as cost-of-funds matters lead to Japanese competitive advantage , it is more likely to be due to their willingness to take greater risks because of the low relative cost reported by Prowse ( 1986 ) and confirmed by Hodder ( 1986 ) , rather than a propensity to disregard DCF .
26 There are no exact figures for the numbers of Salvadoreans who have been forced to leave their homes because of the civil war , Some are economic refugees , but the great majority have fled because of the repression .
27 This is more profoundly a matter of the deeper cultural instilling of conformist values than of the effective threat of post hoc sanctions by the criminal justice system .
28 Many special instruments have been developed to help us to find out about such things as the pressure of air in the lungs and the vocal tract , the flow of air out of the mouth and nose , the opening and closing of the vocal folds and of the soft palate , and the movement of articulators like the lips and the lower jaw .
29 The Ministers of Defence of the NATO countries and of the former member States of the Warsaw Pact , including most of the republics of the former Soviet Union , met in Brussels on April 1 and agreed on a wide-ranging programme of co-operation on military and security matters .
30 The first eight chapters principally concern comparative aspects of industrial relations in advanced , market-type economies in Western Europe , the USA , Japan and Australia although there is some discussion of the role of trade unions in communist countries and of the Yugoslav self-management system .
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