Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] we [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend agree that there is a place for parliamentary contacts where we have no diplomatic relations ?
2 Our growth projects will be in sectors where we enjoy the advantage of efficient technology and low-cost feedstocks .
3 It is only in flatter , smaller organizational units that we see a sharp decrease in both the game-playing and the filtering .
4 Holidays can make a big hole in your savings so we offer a 5% discount for clients over the age of 60 on the date of departure .
5 Erm and although I will briefly go through some technical ones erm motion number two to erm er because it 's in relation to growth savings that we have the differences between the budgets and which are actually being er proposed and er I suppose we do need to go through number six carefully as well about structural maintenance funds .
6 It is because the Government would not allow local authorities to appoint a couple of gatekeepers that we face a bill probably in the region of £1.9 billion .
7 Many of them live out in the provinces so we keep a good range of beers that include some from their part of the world , ’ explained Jim .
8 An analysis of the concept of ontological existent , as we saw , brings certain other categories into focus with which this concept is structurally interlinked and demands that we widen the scope of our investigation .
9 This institution should need no introduction to FlyPast readers and we present a classic way to fill a stocking .
10 We still have our offices and we remain a recognized institution , affiliated to international teachers ' associations .
11 Bats and we need the same kind of internal model for representing the position of objects in three-dimensional space .
12 It 's a whirlwind ride which rarely lingers for more than a minute on individual songs until we reach the '90s and the Zoo TV extravaganza .
13 We have a team from each of the four nations and we have a team from NATO .
14 But it helps to expiate our imagined sins if we have a bogeyman to hand , a Drug Baron .
15 Why huge job losses if we have a minimum wage ?
16 ‘ Live exports will not be resumed within the next few months but we have a case to present , we have started to put it forward and the European Commission is sympathetic . ’
17 We have no way of measuring the immediate impact of this writing on Jewish readers because we have no document we can safely date about 300 B.C. But if it is true that Kohelet , Ecclesiastes , wrote in the early third century B.C. , one must acknowledge that at least one of the Jewish sages was not prepared to play the part the Greeks had assigned to him .
18 Can I just take any views on the eyes before we take the er the wider view .
19 Commodores , Ladies and Gentlemen before we commence the business of the Annual General Meeting I 'd like to remind members of the very great honour that was bestowed upon the Association at the end of last year when we were granted the right to wear the red ensign defi defaced with the crown .
20 Madeline and I will be kept very busy over the next months as we visit the pilot centres to attend key events in their validation or approval processes .
21 for the winner … the one who guesses correctly there 's two season tickets … and we 've five runners-up prizes of United shirts … we 'll announce the winners when we know the new manager of course … now United are playing at Bolton tonight … they need at least a point after a disappointing defeat against watford on saturday …
22 for the winner … the one who guesses correctly there 's two season tickets … and we 've five runners-up prizes of United shirts … we 'll announce the winners when we know the new manager of course … now United are playing at Bolton tonight … they need at least a point after a disappointing defeat against watford on saturday …
23 It is with interval and ratio scales that we reach a level of measurement which allows us to use the standard arithmetic operations .
24 UK students attend at Henley and other tutorial centres , overseas students are offered local workshops in countries where we have an Associate Institution .
25 In more secluded areas where we consider a car to be essential , we include this in the overall holiday price .
26 While it is through the physical senses that we experience the world , it is largely through our emotions that we interpret it and our relationship to it .
27 We know he ca n't deal with crosses so we need a centre-half who can .
28 First of all the major documentation we 've got is the contract and there we have six companies and we have the same contract for all six .
29 These are terrible mysteries and we have no warrant to tinker with them . ’
30 ‘ This is the area where we are the clear challengers and we have a strong presence , ’ said Mr Ashdown during a photogenic visit to a seal sanctuary in Gweek .
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