Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [to-vb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 It is hoped to attract 500 people to each of the two performances and to follow up the event with an ‘ Open Day ’ to be held the next week at which the public will be encouraged to try Medau for themselves .
2 Page make-up and graphics programs allow anybody able to use a computer to change a type-face or its size , to paste in pictures and to lay out the text in almost any manner .
3 Has he also noted the Labour party 's policy proposal to reverse the decision of the parents and to claw back the education funds concerned to a centralised bureaucracy ?
4 The task is to collect coins and to tip up the tortoises and spiders that crawl out of the pipes along the platforms .
5 The task is to collect coins and to tip up the tortoises and spiders that crawl out of the pipes along the platforms .
6 In keeping with these objectives departments were ‘ called upon to examine the way they managed all aspects of their programmes and to work out the best pattern of managerial responsibility , financial accounting and control ’ ( ibid. , para. 14 ) .
7 Note that two terminals may be required for the Offline process : the Operator terminal and one other to handle normal LIFESPAN operations and to set up the Offline run .
8 Note that two terminals may be required for the Offline process : the Operator Terminal and one other to handle normal LIFESPAN operations and to set up the Offline run .
9 Canosa met the Russian Foreign Minister , Andrei Kozyrev , and claimed on Dec. 27 that the Russian government intended to end Cuba 's lifeline of economic subsidies and to speed up the withdrawal of Russian troops as part of its new policy towards Cuba .
10 The very activity is also an expression of faith in the tradition , of a willingness to understand oneself and the world in its terms and to carry on the argument , which in the area with which we are concerned is inescapably a normative argument , within the general framework defining the tradition .
11 They do nothing to break up the food into easily swallowed gobbets or to tease out the hard inedible bits .
12 This is good for voice-overs or to push down the level of the rhythm guitar to allow for the lead guitar to come over .
13 The RSPB is pressing the Government for stricter import controls and to sort out the EC 's double standards , which allow the importation of many Asian , South American etc birds , but ban trapping of European birds .
14 She rose to draw the curtains and to switch on the lamp .
15 He made it harder for himself , though much more valuable , by refusing to take short cuts or to mug up the subject from the textbooks : he went to the original sources .
16 What is needed from you Congress is to fight these distortions and to take back the front page headlines and make sure that the headlines are accurate , fair and truthful .
17 When a part of the body becomes infected the immune system comes into play , rushing white blood cells and immune proteins to the scene of the infection in an attempt to inactivate or kill the invading organisms and to clear up the damage .
18 It is difficult to know whether FDI would take place without incentives and to work out the actual cost to the people of the tax remissions and infrastructural investments made by the host governments of the countries where TNCs enjoy these privileges .
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