Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [det] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Local planning authorities may need to control aspects of the design of housing estates where these have an impact on neighbouring development or agricultural land , for example access or overshadowing .
2 Within that period there will continue to be stated periods for exchange of pleadings and other interlocutory steps since these provide a guide to parties and a means by which they can keep one another up to schedule .
3 Such substantial flows of funds as these show the effect that the tax system or changes in the tax system can have on the patterns of finance in the UK .
4 Such words as these prepare the reader for a retreat .
5 Pointing to the isolation and emotional stresses of the parish priest , they will add something along the lines that all do a valiant job in the face of overwhelming odds .
6 In fact , the passive has two particular advantages and these provide the reasons for its most characteristic uses .
7 The hair that frames your face ( hairline ) and the top section of the head ( crown ) are two areas John Frieda designates as Crucial Zones because these form the entire surface area of the style .
8 Except in rare cases , a similar analysis has to be applied to finds as these have no inscriptions or written records to identify them .
9 All three of these have entries for strontium in their indices and all refer the reader to an entry for ‘ alkaline earth metals ’ , where yet more information is forthcoming .
10 Both approaches are reflected in the report to annual parent meetings and both require a looking back at a school 's achievements in order that differences or improvements can be headlined .
11 Accordingly , many of the poems that most reflect the 1740s and 1750s are not epistles … that is , not poems with an explicit audience and implicit social engagement … but soliloquies or lyrics , usually blank verse musings or odes addressed to personifications
12 Westminster has 17 service level agreements with voluntary organisations and all report an increase in activity .
13 There is a similar range of related carnivores but these have no great bill-size differences .
14 There may be a large number of models of the universe with different initial conditions that all obey the laws .
15 Indeed , they do show rhythms in activity , waking , feeding requirements , bladder-emptying and body temperature — rhythms that all have a period between one and four hours and so are called ultradian .
16 Specialist labour or industrial correspondents usually exercise a degree of autonomy in their selection and presentation of stories and some accept the need to balance their accounts more than others .
17 They have the best flats and most drive a reasonable car .
18 Many district planning authorities in fact use standard conditions and some have a policy of attaching certain conditions to particular types of development , e.g. it is the normal practice of some local planning authorities to impose a standard condition on all hot food shops requiring that , ‘ No noise , dust , grit , fumes or odours shall be emitted from the development , which in the opinion of the local planning authority create a nuisance in the locality ’ .
19 Such qualities as these minimize the risk of violence .
20 Nevertheless much more attention has to be given to the ports de bras of all types of character in such ballets because these supply the words not spoken in dance .
21 The government claims that total spending is larger in other western states because many have a larger private sector ; in the United Kingdom it is just 0.8 per cent of total spending .
22 He would get men to race him , see which ones could outpace him , they 'd wear helmets and all look the part .
23 In one family , where the eldest of the 6 children was a girl compositor , " they are all determined characters and all read a good deal of fiction " .
24 Outside , buttresses decorate and support the double vaulted storeys and these extend the whole height of the building ( 259 ) .
25 While their aims and activities differ slightly , all are clubs in the sense of recruiting members and most provide a variety of discount opportunities .
26 These people were to be their ‘ lay ’ representatives , as , of course , the Panel Hearings are not Courts of Law , and lawyers as such have no role there .
27 Avoid plastic and battery-operated toys as these use the most resources , and go for long-lasting crayons , rather than felt-tips , which dry out .
28 Such behaviours as these require the development of the basic ego-function of drive-inhibition and re-direction — the suppression of an obvious , instinctual response in favour of an indirect , but intelligent one .
29 Applicants are normally graduates and most hold a professional social work qualification .
30 Applicants are usually graduates and most hold a professional social work qualification with two years ' work experience since qualifying .
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