Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [noun sg] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Clergy and laity jointly seized the opportunity to demand laws curtailing crown abuses .
2 Their voices and laughter then filled the shearers ' quarters as the two raft parties held a post-mortem on the trip while they ate .
3 As is well known , Tolkien 's grand design , or desire , was to give back to his own country the legends that had been taken from it in the Dark Ages after the Conquest , when elves and woodwoses and sigelhearwan too had all been forced into oblivion .
4 Barely able to control her shivering delight and excitement as his lips and tongue rhythmically stroked her swollen nipples , while his hands sensuously caressed her body , she shuddered violently as she felt the warmth of his skin against her own soft flesh , the gentle pressure of his fingers as he stroked her thighs .
5 The owner of a scrapyard is counting his losses after fire almost destroyed his premises .
6 Think of how surprised the well-heeled audience beyond the velvet curtain would be if it could see what was going on back here , the last-minute mayhem that came of packing a dozen models and heaven only knew how many assistants , hairdressers , make-up people , and general , all-purpose ‘ gofers ’ into the cramped space that lay backstage at the Sala dell'Arte .
7 Her winter coat , shoes and hat together had n't cost that .
8 After asking what they would like to drink , Vitor provided cut-crystal glasses of vinho verde , but his duties as host quickly took him away to pour refills and greet other arrivals .
9 His talents and character perfectly qualified him for his role and his motives expressed ‘ an awful sense of his duty as a Christian ’ .
10 Operators and management still had to use their understanding of the process to control it .
11 I lay there , my eyes and head swimming through the last forty years until sleep finally bailed me out .
12 Combined with this was the continuance of traditional beliefs that life only began 40 to 80 days after conception , with ‘ quickening ’ .
13 Sales of art were difficult and prices of paintings and sculpture even went down .
14 Although the Europeans and Japanese firmly resisted the reserve indicator plan , which would apply heavy pressure on surplus countries , they insisted that the United States should in effect reinstitute convertibility .
15 Hekmatyar had refused to join the interim government , and his forces and artillery still threatened Kabul from the south .
16 Sadly , morals and behaviour ashore had deteriorated too with more drunks and ladies of easy virtue in evidence .
17 Trevor was so tired he must have been sleeping , because all sports reporters and TV rightly said Ards deserved a better result .
18 Police and army now worked more closely together without the quarrels which had hindered operations in the past .
19 Good looks and youth never hurt your chances of success whether you are male or female .
20 Drugs and terrorism now came top of the list .
21 Thoughts on women and politics generally tended to emerge on an ad hoc basis as a by-product of empirical studies into voting behaviour and political participation carried out in the 1950s and 60s .
22 Any exertion would result in long coughing bouts and Mother never complained about the hours of sleep lost each night as she ran up and down stairs with bowls of steaming inhalants , aspirators and balsams in an attempt to ease his suffocating agony .
23 But the buying spree lasted only minutes as sentiment quickly turned negative , despite expectations that the latest inflation figures will be encouraging .
24 He then walked into the small alcove of electronic equipment and appeared to fiddle with some dials and buttons until music suddenly blasted out a pair of wall mounted speakers .
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