Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] follow him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I wipe my lips and follow him to the door .
2 Vi jumped to her feet and followed him to the door of the church , wincing in the sweet , cold air .
3 I shall have to leave the world of concrete numerable objects and follow him into a world of imagination where numbers themselves have discernible characteristics , or may hide , waiting to be discovered .
4 The Friar broke off a young oak bough and waved it about his sweating forehead to keep off the flies that followed him in wavering clouds , a floating band of skirmishers that his ceaseless counter-attacks could not drive away .
5 Judaism and Islam could be called polytheistic religions in the sense that they do contain traditions that represent Jews and Moslems as called upon to choose one of several gods and follow Him to the exclusion of others .
6 Boys who would turn into men and follow him round the world , stand beside him at bars , exchange vulgarities , share the favours of the golf groupies , the young girls and some not so young , who hung around any group of sportsmen .
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