Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 A higher proportion of the CSW team 's notional ‘ elderly ’ time was devoted to work with people not yet clients , or ‘ not exactly ’ clients ( whether they were regarded as open cases or not seemed to be a matter of chance ) .
2 They will exchange opinions , becoming united in their views or strongly opposed to each other .
3 Test factors which are either positively related to both the other variables or negatively related to both of them are called enhancer variables .
4 The youth could n't have been an inch over five feet three , skinny with dark curly hair and flashing eyes that never seemed to be still , as if he were always on the lookout for trouble .
5 There are certain opportunities that only occur to organisations with the necessary technical competence , market position or trading relationships .
6 There are complaints and requests made to schools that really need to be directed elsewhere .
7 Since then international agencies such as ICRISAT and IITA have been undertaking further research on the more fundamental adaptations that now appear to be required ( Hudson 1981 ) .
8 Just ten or fifteen minutes of it now would see him right , a short trip out through the islets and mudbanks where you could let the boat drift , lean over the stern and watch the inner life of the dirty green water , the shreds of seaweed and small branches and other shapes that sometimes proved to be alive , or focus on the surface , a depthless sheet of scum on which the pearly light shimmered in continual shifting patterns , or even look up to see a huge modern building , several storeys high , going for a stroll along a neighbouring island , the superstructure of a freighter putting out to sea along the deep-water channel …
9 It is possible to do away with demons and still cling to a belief in the Devil , but once the Devil is denied then ipso facto so are the demon hordes .
10 His detailed and systematic accumulation of electoral information provided him with an unsurpassed knowledge of constituencies and candidates and greatly contributed to the efficient Conservative organization which triumphed in 1841 .
11 Plenty of mysteries have lasted for centuries and finally yielded to explanation .
12 She stops at the two cars and then goes to the one with the woman from Ty Fach because the girl is in the other one .
13 IBM Corp 's IBM Personal Computer Co has added two members in the IBM Speech Recognition Family , VoiceType Control for Windows and VoiceType 2 : VoiceType Control for Windows offers customers with an 80386SX processor and up the ability to manipulate the Windows 3.1 environment and existing Windows 3.1 applications with spoken commands such as File Save , Font Bold and Next Window ; VoiceType Control for Windows costs $130 , works with Sound Blaster audio boards , and is speaker-independent ; VoiceType 2 is designed for general dictation and input to MS-DOS applications , and enables users to continue to control their existing applications , such as word processing , databases or spreadsheet , simply by talking ; it comes ready to use with ‘ many popular software products such as Quicken , WordPerfect 5.1 , dBase and more ’ , and users can add their own commands ; VoiceType 2 , with the IBM M-Audio Capture and Playback Adaptor , runs on 80386SX and above personal computers and automatically adapts to a speaker 's unique voice pattern and allows for accents and other individual speech characteristics ; it costs $2,200 and will be available in late May .
14 I like to understand the meanings of words and always refer to a dictionary when I come on a new word .
15 It 's caught by locals on the high tides and subsequently brought to the hotel at very competitive prices , I do n't seem able to say no to it , ’ says Andrew Baird , head chef at Longueville Manor , St Saviour , Jersey .
16 She will need time to grieve inwardly a little over these losses and gradually come to terms with them in her own way , so you should not assume that any moods of depression or irritability she has in those early months are a reflection on the efforts you are making to help her to feel ‘ at home ’ .
17 These chose to live a life of poverty and charity supported by their own manual labours and loosely affiliated to local religious houses , from whom they might receive spiritual guidance , and to whom they gave the proceeds of their work .
18 ‘ I will drive to the stables and then go to Aunt Lavvy .
19 The idea of ‘ half-way ’ houses , where discharged patients lived for a year or eighteen months and then moved to ordinary independent living , became fashionable in the 1960s .
20 Currently in a six month appointment a house officer may be attached to one team of consultants for three months and then change to a second team .
21 Quite apart from this , the legislation required that the gathering of evidence by other means would be unlikely to succeed , or would be considerably more difficult ; a warrant would apply to only one suspect , so that there were no general warrants ; the warrants would remain in force for three months and thereafter had to be renewed ; and the person concerned generally had to be notified as soon as possible after the surveillance ended that he or she had been the target of such surveillance .
22 Second home owners have roused the ire of local inhabitants more than either commuters or retired newcomers , partly by the very fact that their houses are second homes and therefore considered to be needed less than the houses of other ex-urbanites .
23 I am part Welsh and part Scot , and I had understood that the argument was that Wales and Scotland are nations and therefore entitled to a different national system .
24 Pink tablets to be taken at the first sign of symptoms and Yellow tablets that only need to be taken if symptoms persist .
25 To devise policies that directly lead to more positive and imaginative approaches , I am proposing that schools need to focus on two particular strands of educational research : first , the research that has been developed in relation to ‘ effective schools ’ , and second , the principles that underpin ‘ The Whole-School Approach to Special Educational Needs ’ .
26 Their wails and screams rose above the crackle of their burning homes and were made even more blood-curdling by the clangorous din of the church bells that frantically appealed to heaven for aid .
27 Cute and sweet are not adjectives that readily spring to mind on surveying the stage wardrobe of Andi , the blonde frontwoman of local cover band Sunshine .
28 Mark is visibly angry with ‘ them ’ , the faceless bureaucrats who made the rules that nearly lead to his ruin .
29 Poisoned by pollution , hunted for meat , drowned in fishing nets or simply bored to death in captivity , the toll is growing by the day .
30 Yet a civilization existed between 1880 and 1945 , reaching its greatest coherence and strength just before 1914 , which was European in its origins although already transplanted to North and South America and the British white colonies and although unevenly spread among European countries themselves .
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