Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is in this last capacity that Hitler 's image as perceived by his loyal ‘ following ’ — functioning within the framework of ‘ charismatic politics ’ — played its crucial role , as not only the leaders of Party and State , but those in responsible intermediary positions — whether for ideological reasons or for a variety of careerist or other motives little related in essence to principled hatred of Jews — ‘ read ’ Hitler 's vaguely expressed ‘ intent ’ as a green light for radicalizing actions which developed their own dynamic and momentum .
2 The answer they came up with was the cash unit trust — where instead of investing in equities , they invest in high interest cash deposit accounts or into a variety of fixed interest securities such as gilts or local authority bonds .
3 Existing lighting was supplied by the hazardous open flame of candles , oil lamps or by a steel mill , a method of producing sparks of light by holding a flint against a spinning steel wheel .
4 Thirteen were recorded as not using an intelligence test as a determinant , though some of these used one in a few individual cases or as a qualifier .
5 More frequently , the cause of problems can be traced to an excessive desire to stick to policies or to a lack of understanding by the planning officers of the realities of life for developers and occupiers of property .
6 ( iv ) Although the claims in these actions are not made for the performance of the obligations under the contracts or as a result of their breach , they do concern matters relating to a contract , since the court is determining the consequences of the nullity of the contracts , particularly with regard to the contractual matters of total failure of consideration and payments under a mistake .
7 Words can be split either according to a set of pre-defined rules or from a table of correct hyphenations but in both cases ensure that English English is being used rather than American .
8 It is evident that the third defendant and the third party are not , on any view of the case , joint contractors or joint tortfeasors or in a relationship where contribution is available under equitable principles .
9 ( v ) They should have plenty of opportunities to write poetry ( whether individually , or in small groups or as a class ) and to experiment with different layouts , rhymes , rhythms , verse structures , and with all kinds of sound effects and verbal play .
10 This is a code of conduct for directors of listed companies requiring them not to deal in their own company 's shares on short-term considerations or at a time when they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
11 The situation described above raises the question of how much of the content of UK weapons systems are owned and controlled by US companies , either as a result of security considerations or as a matter of ( patent ) law and what the terms are under which this technology is received .
12 They can be induced to undergo apoptosis at an even more rapid rate in vivo and in vitro by exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation or other DNA-damaging treatments , or by treatment with glucocorticoids or by a calcium ionophore in the presence of phorbol ester .
13 Designed by Lynda Gray , the stamps are available singly from all post offices or in a presentation pack ( containing all five stamps ) for £1.75 from main post offices and selected sub-post offices .
14 That is , the charterer lets the vessel or part of the vessel ( space charters ) for a fixed term ( time charter ) , or a certain number of trips or for a voyage to transport a designated cargo ( voyage charter ) .
15 Core and optional units do not have to be studied as discrete units or in a set order .
16 It must be cooked à la Didier with the most delicate of white wine sauces or in a soufflé with a touch of parmesan cheese .
17 Gently stir in the other ingredients and arrange in scallop shells or on a plate .
18 The number of children at the school may have dropped considerably either through competition from other schools or through a fall in the number of children of school age in the neighbourhood .
19 There are some reprieved murderers whom it is right to release on licence after very short periods of imprisonment ( for example , a mother who kills an imbecile child from merciful motives ) , and it would be undesirable in such cases for a court publicly to pass a sentence of imprisonment for a few months or for a year or two , and thereby to create the impression that the taking of human life may in certain circumstances be no graver a crime than theft .
20 Indeed , Darwin 's proposal is much better seen as a theory about the origin of adaptations than as a theory about the origin of species .
21 He had small shrewd hazel eyes that as a rule missed nothing .
22 It is very difficult to give any precise figures to illustrate or establish this ; but a rough count of the twelfth-century marriages noted in three volumes of the Complete Peerage reveals that among the English upper classes of the twelfth century it was much commoner for a lady to have two or more husbands than for a man to have two or more wives ; in the cases noted , almost twice as common ( 36 to 19 ) .
23 Then a silence began to fall on every living thing around the Cages except for a Man running , not towards Woil but to the visitor caught by the hand in the talons of Creggan .
24 He had attended courses in England and arranged visits by senior Metropolitan officers to the Hoover Building to form those one-on-one relationships that in a crisis can cut through miles of red tape .
25 Seldom is anything genuinely new shown at the Earls Court venue , normally used more as a glorified car showroom by the manufacturers than as a showcase for forthcoming cars and innovative ideas .
26 He edged his way through the standing drinkers and for a moment she thought he was going to join her , but he merely nodded and drifted down the room , taking up a position by the wall where he seemed to become engrossed in watching the efforts of a group of youngsters on the one-armed bandit .
27 In better days , however , it merely served to guarantee the privacy of the sovereigns and as a diversion for the Prince Imperial who enjoyed running up and down it when he came to play with his parents .
28 These committees act as a forum for interested parties to air their grievances and as a result enables a clearer picture to emerge of the extent of any odour problem in the area .
29 Its internal structuring , however , may be on a geographical basis in terms of area offices and on a client basis in terms of individual officials having a number of cases to deal with .
30 They are extremely active little animals and after a couple of weeks , as soon as their fur is grown and their eyes are open , they start to supplement their mother 's milk with insects and other invertebrates that they find for themselves .
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