Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] him into " in BNC.

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1 Then suddenly he thrust his head between his owner 's legs and hoisted him into the trough with a resounding splash !
2 As Sister and Nurse Robins are swigging coffee with that drag Jones , I took him down the short cut through Eyes and shoved him into 15 .
3 Twice , when Meredith ordered ‘ Two steps stage left ’ and Geoffrey moved to the right , Meredith came bounding down the centre aisle shouting ‘ Left , left , ducky ’ and leapt onto the apron to seize him by the shoulders and shove him into place .
4 His firm prick forced her to open her lips and take him into her mouth .
5 Once all the books on the bottom shelf were used to make three gigantic pyramids that sent him into a fit of despair .
6 Despite his terror of darkness and subterranean places , he wanted the ground to open at his feet and swallow him into its blackest hole .
7 Two other watchers take hold of him , lift him up to remove his shoes and thrust him into the dance .
8 Campion stabbed his finger twice , once at Carson , you , and then towards the road shoulder , over there , and then Sorvino put the Ford across the Mercedes ' bows and slowed him into the side of the road .
9 But a combination of factors , including a high proportion of broken or at least deteriorating homes and single-parent families , an absence of parent-child contact due to migration and possibly compounded by the necessity of devoting excessive time to earning a living and , as I will argue shortly , a distorted appreciation of the parent 's function vis-à-vis education crystallize to release the black youth from the influence of his parents and jettison him into a world in which his peers , with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society , are the dominant forces .
10 The gunpowder either killed the poor man or caused such grievous wounds as to send him into a swoon from which he would never recover .
11 I shall have to leave the world of concrete numerable objects and follow him into a world of imagination where numbers themselves have discernible characteristics , or may hide , waiting to be discovered .
12 I did not want to add to his troubles or to lead him into more danger .
13 His cheerful London accent seemed to bring her back down to earth , and she hurried to unlock the bolts and let him into the hallway .
14 Ignoring his protests , Beth stripped away his undergarments and lifted him into her arms .
15 This blighted his prospects but turned him into new paths .
16 He went back for the President , lifting him from behind by both elbows and walking him into the shower with his boxer shorts and his sandals on .
17 Martha Simmonds and her companions vested in Nayler their apocalyptic hopes and accompanied him into Bristol in October 1656 , leading his horse while they cried ‘ Holy , holy , holy ’ .
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