Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] [pn reflx] in " in BNC.

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1 Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a bookshop .
2 She looked into his dark eyes and submerged herself in the bliss of being flattered .
3 First , many patients in hospital have taken overdoses or injured themselves in the past .
4 But the plains , savannahs , rivers and hills , all the way from Samburu down to the Masai Steppe , proved fruitful and the Masai built up their strength through the acquisition of women and cattle so successfully that they chased out the other tribes who were obliged to cling to the mountains or secrete themselves in the forests , land useless for cattle .
5 More , the fact that this being , Homo sapiens , is from the moment of birth aware of itself in relation to others , and experiences and defines itself in such a relational mode , suggests the universal , pre-cultural basis of a relational concept that appears to occur in one form or another in all human cultural systems : the complementarity of Self and Other ; Us and Them .
6 This year he could help Middlesex win trophies and establish himself in England 's Test side .
7 They assault the sense , savage the palate , ravage one 's innards and announce themselves in loud , pungent terms so that one gets wind of them long before one catches sight of them .
8 FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM don the wide brimmed hats and cover themselves in flour for two nights of doom laden entertainment at London 's Town & Country Club on March 29 and 30 .
9 Similarly organisations that find themselves in difficulty ; where the profits are not coming through , where there is pressure from shareholders for a significant improvement in profit performance ; here again , the chairman and the Board are likely to reach out to executive search consultants to find them new talent .
10 He removed his jacket , trousers , shirt , tie and underclothes and studied himself in the mirror .
11 Ace and Petion slipped off the safety catches on their automatics and pressed themselves in close to the walls , ready to spring .
12 A. There are , but we 've been in this business for nearly 200 years and pride ourselves in the fact that we have probably dealt with every known problem that has ever arisen .
13 This boast suggests that the vase-painters were not just copying the innovations of great artists but felt themselves in the van of the movement , true pioneers .
14 Well , life has changed since then , and people now have to be a little bit wary when they meet strangers or find themselves in unusual places or situations .
15 Vichy , Spa , Baden-Baden , Aix-les-Bains , but above all the great international spas of the Habsburg monarchy , Gastein , Marienbad , Karlsbad , etc. , were to nineteenth-century Europe what Bath had been to eighteenth-century England , fashionable gatherings justified by the excuse of drinking some form of disagreeable mineral waters or immersing oneself in some form of liquid under the control of a benevolent medical dictator .
16 Despite much popular misconception , there are relatively few individuals or families that find themselves in this position .
17 Policy must of course be converted into practice ; in both these schools overall spending policy and staffing priorities were significant expressions of commitment by the heads , and this can only have strengthened the resolve of those members of staff who served on the library committees and immersed themselves in the day-to-day business of winning a place in the project .
18 The romantic fantasy is nurtured in our youth with Enid Blyton books and ghost stories and manifests itself in the invention of tunnel myths .
19 It showed a girl by a sunlit window with her back turned , apparently drying her loins and watching herself in the mirror at the same time .
20 Many escaped to Gibraltar , joined the Allied armies and distinguished themselves in the fight against Hitler .
21 One spell had indeed leapt from the crackling pages and lodged itself in the dark recesses of his brain .
22 If human communication were a simple matter of reciprocally exchanged words , if words had no resonances beyond themselves , I might have been proud to be cast in such a role , and either self-confident enough in my ability to fulfil it , or else realistic enough to modify my directives and declare myself in favour of some more modest role .
23 The most is the invocation to light in book three , in which Milton speaks out of his blindness , uses that to place himself in a tradition , and again without foregoing his intensity of personal involvement .
24 As the FMLN opened up war fronts and established itself in several areas of the country , many medical students and health workers joined the liberation army and worked with the communities to set up their own alternative health system .
25 Reduce your stress levels and get yourself in tip-top condition in this month 's fabulous competition !
26 Nevertheless , as I understand it , the individual may be striving towards mature object relations but finds himself in situations where those in authority to whom he may want to relate may cause him to regress towards infantile dependence .
27 The lady smiled and sat down opposite the Wisharts , she carefully placed the wicker basket on the seat next to her , then folded her arms and composed herself in relaxation .
28 Stiff , wooden and unresponsive , she stood in his arms and watched herself in his eyes .
29 In organisations like the WEA particularly , because of its grass roots and more democratic base , women have been able to take more control of their own learning and become their own teachers and organise themselves in ways which are less controlled by patriarchal infiltration .
30 State officials are dependent upon capitalist economic development and growth if they are going to be able to pursue their interests and sustain themselves in office , so they are constrained to act in the interests of capital , although not necessarily in its optimal interests ( Offe , 1984 ) .
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