Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Fulfil consumables requests or report back to users CSO
2 Two other intrinsic methods of measuring K are worth discussing as they are methods that carry through to the analysis of space time curvature in Chapter 7 .
3 But even where there may seem to have been little affection shown and where few apparent links remain , emotional ties that go back to earliest days are strong , and feelings about the death of a parent are bound to go deep .
4 Not as I remember no funnily enough but they used to have people who , who went out to work at different airports after the planes had gone out they used to have gangs that went out to Perton and er we used to draw equipment from er the maintenance un RAF maintenance unit at Stafford things used to come from there .
5 In one of them he found a collection of cheque stubs and account books that went back to the 1940s .
6 I hurried down steep Flower Hill , a flowerless road of grey terraced houses and shops that led down to the bridge and the weir .
7 Some companies make lifts that fit on to curved stairways or have automatic platforms that bridge the difference between the two steps at a platform landing .
8 T is awful I was taught as a child in catechism the labourer is worthy of his hire there are four sins that cry out to heaven for justice one of them is a oppressing the widow and orphan and the other is defrauding the labourer of his hire because the labourer is worthy of his hire that 's a sin that cries to heaven for justice , that 's what I was taught as a child .
9 Michele lifted out Luce 's bag , passed her the crutch , and , having handed over the car keys , led her through the crush of people and vehicles to the steps that ran down to the Grand Canal .
10 Hosanna padded down from the steps that led up to the patio door and sat beside her , lifting his right paw and placing it on her thigh .
11 But his secretiveness extended to not even telling them that , and they had to be content to accompany him as he turned left at the foot of the steps that led up to the station entrance and headed for the quays .
12 Ben stood before the shallow flight of steps that led up to the main entrance , his head tilted back as he studied the frontage .
13 He brushed dust from his sleeve and headed towards the flight of stone steps that led up to the embankment .
14 She paid the taxi-driver and walked briskly towards the main entrance of the building , slowing her pace as she reached the flight of broad stone steps that led up to the doors .
15 When they stopped , in blackness and silence , before the steps that led up to the kitchen door , the only door anyone ever used at Trelorne , Murphy wanted to accompany her inside .
16 It was rapping in my back as I was pushed past Roger Beeding and Roger de Mornay and closer and closer to the eight steps that led up to the low wooden platform on which was the gigantic cross and the large black-and-white photograph of Rose Fox .
17 Ruth asked as they strolled through the formal gardens towards a flight of stone steps that led up to a forest of dense green pine trees offering shade and coolness .
18 The path ended at the wide stone steps that led up to the main entrance of the lodge .
19 For at that moment , directly below the steps that led down to the Moebius Strip , the float of dummy Capellans was purring serenely by .
20 Luke Travis was standing at the top of the short flight of stone steps that led down to the garden .
21 She blinked as they emerged into blinding brightness and searing heat , and paused to fumble for her sunglasses before they descended the broad flight of steps that led down to the canal .
22 When the leader , a young man in his early twenties , saw that his Sturmabteilungen were in place , he walked towards the steps that lead up to the grand entrance .
23 Leave the Museum of Decorative Arts and walk along to the Svatopluka Čech Bridge of 1906 , by J. Soukup and J. Koula .
24 The first three years of his Oxford course of studies would have included grammar , logic and rhetoric ( the trivium ) , after which the student had to attend formal sessions of dispute and argument before becoming a Bachelor of Arts and going on to the second part of the course , music , astronomy , geometry and arithmetic .
25 He halted only for a second , enough to narrow his eyes and purse his lips into a look of utter disgust , as though a dog 's turd had grown legs and scurried on to his carpet .
26 After two days on the bus from Darjeeling to Yoksam , we were glad to stretch our legs and walk up to Dubtek , Sikkim 's oldest monastery .
27 To fulfil her role properly , she must have time to prepare sessions and keep up to date with a wide range of subjects .
28 The severe budget deficit caused the UNHCR to close 19 of its approximately 100 regional offices and to freeze up to 300 posts .
29 When are the teachers going to stop being political animals and get down to teaching rather than try to score points off the Government ?
30 The next thing you knew , there 'd be , oh , I do n't know , a fifteen-year-old Pole sliding off the table and rubbing his eyes and sauntering back to work , accompanied by an orderly and his understanding smile .
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