Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 During several formal and informal meetings much of the discussion centred on the following :
2 In the rush to meet the first deadline on hours much of the spirit of the new deal has been lost .
3 The former will cling rigidly to formulae regardless of the situation , nit-picking over tiny detail but sometimes unwittingly missing the larger issues .
4 William Packer states : ‘ In this instance the paintings and drawings from the figure are all portraits — heads and shoulders only of a handful of his familiar models long fixed within his closest acquaintance ’ .
5 Untranslated sequences upstream of the coding regions 1 and 2 were found to be unrelated , and attempts to identify transcripts that contain linked 1 and 2 sequences by library screening or through RT-PCR experiments were unsuccessful ( data not shown ) .
6 At higher drug concentrations more of the drug is bound to weaker sites and the dissociation profile contains a greater proportion of faster components .
7 ‘ We had to find six words out of a newspaper .
8 PSV Eindhoven 's stadium , for example , has standing room for 12,000 supporters out of a capacity of 28,000 .
9 PSV Eindhoven 's stadium , for example , has standing room for 12,000 supporters out of a capacity of 28,000 .
10 The air in the wood was damp and smelt of peat , the path was muddy and wet , and it was exhausting constantly pushing brambles and twigs out of the way .
11 I saw one player push fans out of the way at the Australian Open this year .
12 He swung his legs out of the bed and realised with a shock what day it was .
13 Then she swung her legs out of the bed and hurriedly got dressed .
14 With no clear plan in her head , she pushed her legs out of the bed .
15 ‘ I got my legs out of the way and curled up in a ball on the driver 's seat .
16 She handed him his denim jacket and swung her legs out of the car .
17 I jumped straight off the table and ran through his legs out of the room .
18 When he realised his mammy was at the door , he swung his legs out of the chair and came rushing to greet her .
19 Downstairs , the Sikhs , the Magistrate , Rayne , a couple of young ensigns , and a motley collection of indigo planters and Eurasians , were engaged in a desperate fight to keep the sepoys out of the building ; but already they were being driven back from doors and windows .
20 Carmichael wanted to avoid the risk of plucking remedies out of the air and then casting round for arguments to support them , which , he said , was the common practice in local authorities .
21 Far more dramatic than his 1625 Cavendish monument at Edensor , here he has Denham resembling a semi-nude Donne , for the top-knotted winding-sheet has lost its pins and slipped off the body as his reinvigorated corpse steps out of a coffin , his left hand raised as if to shield his eyes from the brilliance of the Second Coming .
22 The first steps out of the greenhouse
23 The first steps out of the greenhouse
24 An askari salutes as Fairfax steps out of the car in uniform .
25 Fairfax steps out of the car .
26 Sun Microsystems Inc will be building its next-generation workstations and servers out of a family of 64-bit multiprocessor chips that it is designing called UltraSparc , and the chips should take Sun machines close to the end of the decade .
27 Sun Microsystems Inc will be building its next-generation workstations and servers out of a family of 64-bit multiprocessor chips it 's designing called UltraSparc .
28 But then I saw ghastly yellow figures staggering like drunkards out of the wall of smoke …
29 He and the other members of the company were picking out shapeless ingots , precious gems and buckled coins , licking their fingers as they burnt them , as if they were pulling roast chestnuts out of a grate .
30 It 's not the business of social services staff , from directors downwards , to pull their chestnuts out of the fire by disguising the facts .
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