Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Owing to the curvature of the bridge , the top two notes only of a three- or four-part chord can be sustained .
2 Its principal strengths lie in the ability to ( a ) make selective use of available visual cues ( for fluent readers much of the visual stimulus remains unattended [ Just & Carpenter , 1987 ] ) and ( b ) utilise an understanding of the text that can guide the reading process and compensate for any degradation or ambiguity within the visual stimulus .
3 H to track the highest ( latest ) versions of sub-packages regardless of the actual version number specified in the module relationships .
4 The user can specify an issue number or use the default , which is the latest version ; the version number can also be specified as ‘ H ’ to track the highest ( latest ) versions of sub-packages regardless of the actual version number specified in the module relationships .
5 H — Highest , to track the latest versions of sub-packages regardless of the actual version number specified in the module relationships .
6 Mr Major and Mr Lamont did not eat their words out of a cavalier regard for the truth and a penchant for duplicity at election times .
7 And then , after putting the note on his bed for him to read when he came back for his rest and covering it with the undyed hessian bedspread in case their child saw it , she would sit down and try to wring words out of the sleepy little boy at breakfast before he went off to school , and find that she had an empty morning in which to worry about what she had written .
9 LOOKING like he is appearing in some designer-conscious jeans advert , Nicholas Cage steps out of a big white gas guzzler on a sun-baked road in Wyoming .
10 I 've seen the movie , too — Rainbow and I watched it together , in Hampstead , on an Old Weepies double bill : the ageless heroine walks two steps out of the enchanted valley of Shangri-La and time 's ravages hit her all at once .
11 Occasionally , character steps out of the angular interlocking patterns to hold a bowl or pour from a jug .
12 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
13 Lilacs out of the dead land , mixing
14 Even if the awaited rain fell at the poem 's end , it would only lead back to that beginning , ‘ breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land , ’ with all its attendant suffering .
15 ‘ He made the ears out of an old pair of mouse ears I 'd used for a previous party , ’ she says .
16 Mr Shekhar came to power last November by leading 60-odd defectors out of the ruling Janata Dal , and forming a minority government with the support of Congress .
17 ‘ Who knows , ’ she added , eyes out of the open window , unable to look at Rory for a moment , ‘ it could still come to that . ’
18 Where we asked for marks out of ten , or thermometer ratings out of a hundred , we can use relative scores for different parties to construct measures of preference .
19 Rachel Whiteread constructs concrete images out of the invisible space surrounding everyday objects .
20 If the toll-road is not manned , that will almost certainly be because the road is closed by snow , as it normally is for a good seven months out of the twelve .
21 With the help of a co-operative credit analyst who is three months out of an English degree , we package a stunning little credit that sweeps through the loan committees without even a flesh wound .
22 This is a country stuffed full of homes out of the Daily Mail Book of Bungalows .
23 What Scissormen do is take a series of chaotic noises , disturbed atmospherics and fragments of other people 's music , then hammer melodies and songs out of the cacophonous melée .
24 A pale yellow lustre was growing low down in the east , making feathery silhouettes out of the black stands of trees along the bends in the river .
25 He wandered aimlessly around Pooley 's flat , glancing at magazines , pulling books out of the huge collection of crime fiction , reading a page or two and replacing them .
26 He noticed the pieces with which Wyvis Hall was furnished , taking books out of the public library on antiques and porcelain and measuring the remembered articles against illustrations , catching his breath sometimes at mounting values .
27 She stood there like a dark messiah with some unseen flock before her , and Pete could n't help but begin to assemble shapes out of the grainy darkness and to give them solidity and movement .
28 The decision 18 months ago of the Spanish government to impose a ban on South African golfers , in the wake of similar action taken during the decade by Sweden , The Netherlands and Belgium , magnified the plight of those South Africans seeking to ply their trade , and earn a living , on the P.G.A .
29 More generally , therefore , an employee 's initial idea may be several steps ahead of the present state-of-the-art and yet be too far removed from practical and profitable application to be of immediate benefit .
30 The landlord now has the right to reconsider the rent every 12 months instead of every 3 years .
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