Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adv] [vb base] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 No wins so far mean that Amthaal slips in the race on 7st 12lb and he showed plenty of promise at Chester last week — racing for the first time in five months .
2 Colleagues , I know that people are starting to move out , and I 'm sure that it 's got nothing to do with Mick 's appearance at the rostrum , but colleagues seriously , seriously for the last couple of days we 've had a great deal of disciplines so please try and be as quiet as possible .
3 The large animals not only tolerate and , by their presence , protect the birds ; they also use them as lookouts for predators .
4 All this despite the fact that many Yanks now solemnly believe that Hoskins is one of their own .
5 All this despite the fact that many Yanks now solemnly believe that Hoskins is one of their own .
6 Seeking through German unity to contribute to the unification of Europe and to the building of a peaceful European order in which borders no longer divide and which ensures that all European nations can live together in a spirit of mutual trust ,
7 WITH the object and intent of affording to the Vendor a full and sufficient indemnity but not further or otherwise the Purchaser hereby covenants with the Vendor that he the Purchaser and the persons deriving title under him will at all times hereafter duly observe and perform the covenants contained or referred to in the Conveyance so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and remain to be observed and performed and are capable of being enforced and will indemnity and keep indemnified the Vendor and his successors in title from and against all actions costs claims and demands in respect of any breach non-observance or non-performance thereof so far as aforesaid
8 The companies rather lamely contend that the market determines fair prices and that the government 's demands can not be met since they do not track much of the data and do not sell directly to customers .
9 Hypnotists now often suggest that the subject focuses his attention by staring fixedly at a drawing pin on the wall , while telling him in rather monotonous tones that he is becoming more relaxed and sleepy .
10 Moreover , constitutional lawyers may write about " old " Parliaments being able to bind and limit a " new " Parliament , and may suggest that a " new judicial attitude " ( whereby judges no longer accept that they are subordinate to Parliament ) would make for a fresh start so that " the doctrine that no Parliament can bind its successors becomes ancient history " , but these tricky legal formulations do not alter the fact that constitution-making occurs in the context of a political reality which limits what is feasible , acceptable , and enforceable .
11 Thirdly , economists often implicitly assume that more labour supply is a good thing .
12 In the north , agricultural officials no longer discuss whether the harvest was adequate , only how the latest addition to the grain mountain can be stored .
13 Muscles only actually grow after they have recovered from a hard training session .
14 Figures just out show that coal imports have risen by five hundred percent over the past ten years .
15 Constitutions thus both liberate and bind ; they provide for a framework of ordered freedom within a set of rules which prevents both majorities and their elected representatives from doing what they might otherwise wish to do .
16 Jokes thus both acknowledge and circumvent conventional restrictions ; the breaking of conventional restraint increases the pleasure of the sexual joke .
17 Problems also occasionally arise when all does not go well , and this may cause deep and lasting distress .
18 Figures out yesterday show that the tunnels were now breaking even .
19 Unfortunately senior executives often either consider that no-one less senior than themselves can be trusted with knowledge of a meeting , or that the meeting is so important that they alone are significant enough to occupy the chair .
20 While the latter have undoubtedly had a powerful influence , we 've tried to select movies that best reflect that amorphous beast we call Rock Culture .
21 Agencies too easily assume that the competition for the brands and services they advertise comes from other advertisers .
22 Zimbabwe provides the model — and the lesson that Green Revolution techniques only really work when they are part of a total package that includes radical social reform alongside the free-market measures .
23 As infants grow , their bodies not only enlarge but change both in shape and colour .
24 Certain astronomers now incorrectly assume that everything about our circumstance must be unspecial , insignificant , and just plain mediocre .
25 Measures are being obtained within each organisation of the styles of managerial leadership , the specific behaviours which leaders most frequently use and performance measures for work teams and for the organisation as a whole .
26 This is especially the case among the working classes in that working-class females most strongly represent and support traditional sex roles .
27 While it does seem to be a little less pernicious , in that male respondents less often say that they want to marry only a woman who is a virgin than they used to , it is still alive and well in that women are more often criticized than men for engaging in non-marital sexual activity .
28 Since as Jack Droney put it , Brent , with its left-wing trade unionists , ‘ was a bloody good place for the Grunwick strike to happen ’ , one might expect that the union involved had given the strikers not only support but increased impetus in their struggles , but members of the strike committee certainly did not feel this to be so .
29 Self , by contrast , felt that the creativity of the divisions could be unlocked if central controls over both design and expenditure were relaxed somewhat .
30 Flying reptiles still disconcertingly glide and slither through the Indonesian sky .
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