Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Employers constantly gnawed at the high level of wages which had been built up during the First World War .
2 At night , while John 's impatient body sleeps , I listen to the waves loosely slapping at the side of the stilled ship .
3 As the cell proceeds down a pathway genes are switched on and off reflecting an internal programme , for external signals only act at the branch points , directing the cell along one or other of the paths open to it .
4 When she tapped him on the arm he turned swiftly , his eyes suddenly narrowed at the sight of her .
5 The pupils decided that they were the same in that context and were satisfied that there were only three different shapes if they did not allow fences in the middle or squares just touching at the corners .
6 B. T. Some of the inspectors always appeared at the wrong time .
7 Although the main body of the hurricane had moved north , vicious squalls still tore at the mountainside , flaying the incessant downpour into giant whips of solid water that lashed across the meadow .
8 It is possible for sixth-form students in British secondary schools to take the Advanced- ( ‘ A ’ — ) level examination for school-leavers in such subjects as philosophy or economics or sociology , but it is not at all common , and incoming university students of these subjects usually begin at the beginning , with open minds but with the necessary commitment to learning .
9 The hippos , she thought , with a sure hunter 's instinct , the hippos always mate at the full moon , to whelp during the monsoon , as they had since Tertiary times .
10 But for larger numbers of mutational steps , even in the case of the biomorphs with their nine little genes , the mathematical space of all possible trajectories is so vast that the chance of two trajectories ever arriving at the same point becomes vanishingly small .
11 Behind his thick spectacles , his eyes positively blazed at the sight of a completed chart just waiting to have lines drawn on it , and he was always very quick off the mark with his instant weather forecasts whenever any aircrews were planning a jaunt somewhere .
12 Several men , navy with gold braid in evidence , turned towards him as Delaney walked over , eyes automatically glancing at the geography and configurations on the plastic : Atlantic , beyond the equator .
13 As an inmate you are shut away in a jail without a name and escape is an option rarely considered with armed guards carefully positioned at the perimeter fence of some of the prisons .
14 The more common form shows the hands in an attitude of prayer , centre-chest height , with the fingertips touching and , occasionally , the thumbs crossed ; the second position involves the crossing of the arms with fingertips at centre chest , the right arm being placed over the left and the fingers of both hands remaining closed but outstretched ; finally , there is the attitude of total repose , legs slightly parted at the knees , the shoulders down and the hands placed over the groin , again with the right hand over the left and the fingers together yet unclasped .
15 These squares now expand at the corners and erode along the sides , returning to square shape after another doubling of total generations .
16 Inefficient and ineffective note-making methods often lie at the heart of students ' inability to realise their potential .
17 Kids here play at the reservoir and the tunnel that they went through .
18 She pondered his words then glanced at the pay phone in the corner of the bar .
19 Certainly in the class-room those from two feet to two feet only go straight up and down in all changements , soubresauts and entrechats with both legs fully extended at the height of the jump .
20 Yes , there may be some waste in the Health Service , but I would suggest if we are to look for savings then start at the top .
21 It would thus be only for those films with generally low levels of subjective risk or few moving objects that subjects actually looked at the fixed information even in the recognition phase and were thus able to be biased by it .
22 In his assessment of the problem Hauge also points to the fate of some 118 nuclear vessels currently stationed at the Russian port of Murmansk .
23 It has been observed that on increasing number of industrial disputes actually begin at the grass roots ; trade union leaders merely invoke democracy and then proceed to lead from behind .
24 The directive also applies to objects not returned at the end of a lawful temporary export .
25 Illegal phone labels ( i.e. states not specified at the beginning of the network ) can be ignored .
26 Dwayne and the English connection appear to have confederates already installed at the Valhalla Motel .
27 Only very fine particles , those with diameters less than 0–2 mm , are carried in suspension by the winds normally found at the surface of the earth .
28 After April , rents not collected at the end of the year will have to be paid for with a general rent increase because of the Government ‘ ring-fencing ’ of housing revenue accounts .
29 ‘ Do your parents still live at the farm ?
30 Particularly divisive at a parochial level was the stress placed by the bishops on the need for a greater reverence in the communion rite , and their determination that the portable communion tables , which had been used since Elizabethan times , should be replaced by altars permanently positioned at the east end of the chancel and separated from the body of the church by altar rails .
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