Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [coord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Undoubtedly , the LIBF works well as an international meeting place for publishers and suppliers who arrive each year with appointment books already filled and order books at the ready for filling .
2 The speakers hardly whine and Jim Reid now sings with a US accent , rather than mumbling in a Scots one — it all sounds improbably adult-oriented .
3 As we shall see , authors vary the handling of reported speech in many ways which depart from the forms which speakers commonly use and children commonly hear .
4 Here it 's obvious that money has been well spent on things that the animals actually need and use , with natural materials — and yet the public still gets a beautiful enclosure with good viewing facilities . ’
5 Moreover , the enzymatic cofactors that need to be added in vitro are in many cases not known and tRNA-substrates that specifically lack the nucleoside modification of interest are scarce ( 5–8 ) .
6 It allows an exemption clause to take effect subject to the common law rules already outlined and subject also to the provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 .
7 One prominent analysis of this maintains that the interaction between political institutions broadly defined and media institutions is one of ‘ dependence and adaptation ’ .
8 Against BC the gaps duly materialised and Joe Stanley , Va'Aiga Tuigamala — a pocket-battleship of a wing — Walter Little , Bruce Deans and Zinzan Brooke crossed for tries .
9 But words came halting forth , wanting inventions 's stay ; Invention , nature 's child , fled step-dame study 's blows ; And others ' feet still seemed but strangers in my way .
10 National goals and regional policies for the less-favoured areas also vary and grounds for comparison are difficult to establish and may not be relevant .
11 In fact , more often than not the fieldworker took the initiative in this matter ; investigators who build up long-term relationships with communities frequently hear and record material which they would prefer to remain ignorant about .
12 Elaine Fifield did not always keep her feet fully pointed nor knees stretched , even when on pointe .
13 They are solitary creatures who would happily spend most of their lives either eating or sleeping .
14 The definition in the Code includes companies wherever incorporated and individuals wherever resident .
15 The politicians , army officers , civil servants and government officials all descended and Aarau , of course , was too small to accommodate them in the style to which they were accustomed .
16 ‘ I have got ambition , ’ Hari said quickly , her cheeks suddenly flushed and Emily could see that her words had stung .
17 Keep aster plants well watered and control mildew
18 whole plant , particularly root , pleasantly aromatic ; seeds strongly flavoured and oil of angelica extracted from them , sometimes used in perfumery and potpourri .
19 You are sure that almost all flying insects either bite or sting .
20 Analysts revised forecasts lower for other banks yet to report and Barclays fell 21p to 428p , while HSBC slid 5p to 583p .
21 Although Yorkshire 's ground fielding was excellent they spilled three catches off five balls when Harden and Rose were already well set .
22 woodpeckers generally feed and nest in mature oak trees .
23 The concept of incest has been the focus of much anthropological study , and by introducing this third variable Todd is able to identify seven family types , which are listed in table 3.1 Within families where the spouses are determined by custom there are two sub-types : in the endogamous community family , there is equality between brothers in matters of inheritance , married sons cohabit with their parents , and there is frequently marriage between the children of brothers ; whereas in asymmetrical community families the first two conditions also hold but marriages between the children of brothers are prohibited , although there may be a preference for marriage between the children of brothers and sisters .
24 The question of how far TVEI ultimately succeeds or fails has yet to be answered .
25 She did not smile now but her eyelids with those amazing lashes slowly closed and Abigail gave a sigh , wriggled her body , moved her head and subsided back into deep sleep .
26 In his office he had a blackboard , on which he transcribed diagrammatic models of the action , with letters of the ordinary alphabet for characters already invented and letters of the Greek alphabet for those whom he might need to invent ; he was contemplating a further six months of composition .
27 A general term for cheap , soft alloys usually lead or copper based and used for simple castings .
28 Pearl 's most recent results showed premium income exceeding £1bn , profits nearly doubled and market share substantially increased .
29 Both sexes also cackle and chuckle , e.g. ‘ kuttuc , kuttuc ’ when flushed .
30 The clean channel with a goodly amount of reverb , and the chorus rate and depth set about halfway makes chords really shimmer and finger-picking come alive .
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