Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in those areas where golden eagles fed extensively on carrion sheep which had been dipped in dieldrin , the proportion of pairs successfully rearing young fell from 72 per cent to 29 per cent during the late 1950s .
2 Two cultures rarely understand each other , especially when one is waxing dominant .
3 QUIET cities rarely make good copy ; but on May 28th , when Miami failed to explode , it was news of a sort .
4 Liquids much above 30 per cent tend to be unstable , unless alcohol or urea is included , which adds to the expense so liquid products rarely exceed this level .
5 Chapter 11 is different from British ‘ receivership ’ , where the courts mostly sack existing management and put a finance — but , some would say , not a business — expert in charge .
6 She 'd a hundred times rather change last night 's husband on a daily basis , be reviled as a witch in the parliament of women , she 'd like to have dead babies in succession — she winced at this , ‘ Please , no ’ — but pressed on rather than be that nothing , that unbeing , that sump of ribaldry and pity and contempt , the woman-who-had-never-had-a man , the zitella , the old maid .
7 Brooke-Rose attempts rather to use old material in new ways .
8 We already know that the building of new roads only generates more traffic , and that congestion rapidly returns to its former levels .
9 It is already evident that new roads only generate new traffic , and the environmental impact is an absolute disaster .
10 Exact equivalents between UK qualifications and overseas qualifications can rarely be given , but the notes below give some idea of the recognition granted to some qualifications .
11 The emissions only contained one part per million of hydrochloric acid . ’
12 In fastening the strips together to construct any model , choice has to be made of the correct size of nut and bolt involving both sorting , matching and then screwing .
13 His idea is to put bollards down to stop vehicular access and place seats and planters for the use of the community .
14 His idea is to put bollards down to stop vehicular access and place seats and planters for the use of the community .
15 Unfortunately , as always seems to be the case , the area in question falls across two adjoining maps and the only way to check the theory is to join the two maps together using double-sided Sellotape .
16 But the beauty and the loving care with which many a smaller city had been built and adorned in the early days of the Greek cities is a vital element in the history of the Greek city , obscurely pointing to a time , not of peace — for in Greece the lion never lay down with the lamb , and neighbouring cities constantly fought each other — but of more equal prosperity .
17 For people who have a realistic chance of developing their social skills sufficiently to re-enter open employment , other creative approaches have been used to place them in work .
18 Certain types of groups only have one way of viewing problems as the right way to look at problems you don if any of you have been in the R C P , Revolutionary Communist Party , you might find that 's a fairly similar sort of thing there 's a party line and dimensions of what constitutes it .
19 Perched uncomfortably on the high stool , he pressed his ankles together to prevent any movement of his dangling legs .
20 The proposals sensibly resist any temptation to over-egg an already rich international pudding by staging more one-day internationals than are presently staged in England .
21 It is for the courts alone to construe such legislation .
22 The Government and our times rightly attach great importance to conquering inflation , but it is not the only aim of a successful economy .
23 Is a recognition of contradictory yet interdependent , included and excluded meanings enough to provide feminist psychology with a double address to subjectivity and to gender relations ?
24 It saw journalists verbally attacking each other and Labour 's press secretary making her own emotional public statement .
25 James Molyneaux and the Rev Ian Paisley have already set this deadline for the resumption of talks and even as their two parties vigorously fought each other in several constituencies , joint working groups were in session drawing up vital working papers for the forthcoming negotiations .
26 These words effectively convey critical approval .
27 His successors eventually lost all authority , even in the town , and survived merely as puppets in the hands of ruthless , ambitious nobles who fought to overthrow their rivals and to gain control of the disintegrating kingdom .
28 Few described teaching methods in much detail and multicultural education and equal opportunities rarely received much attention .
29 However , in practice , processed pictures and processed words mostly support each other ; use of desktop publishing ( dtp ) software can make achieving this support easier than it is otherwise .
30 Yet , with all parties widely flouting this provision , it was claimed that the authorities had systematically overlooked DLP transgressions while acting against opposition violations of the law .
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