Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She told him about the secretarial course at the technical college and her plans eventually to go to London , perhaps to model .
2 On the one hand generality is built into the account : the normal justification of authority is that following it will enable its subjects better to conform with reason .
3 Thirty year old Robin , thirty two year old Paul and twenty three year old Darren , left their homes in to travel to Turkey to support England last March .
4 It is adaptive for animals not to mate with members of other species .
5 The new Army Commander , Gen. Vimol Wongwanich , promised to unify the Army and on Aug. 7 ordered commanders of all army units not to intervene in politics or do anything to help or hinder any political party .
6 Because er most of the year we tell our kids not to talk to strangers , and then one day a year you send the little so and sos out to knock on peoples doors to ask for money er and sweets and things like that .
7 This was not , of course , just a Protestant response , although it benefited the Protestants that the great Catholic powers of France and Spain should tear one another apart ; their temporary truce in 1556 had been regarded as a significant reversal to the cause of reform , and when the war was renewed one of the leading English preachers , Christopher Goodman , was to urge the English not to fight for Spain , just as Knox urged the Scots not to fight for France .
8 Skol 's sales were up by 4% , thanks largely to demand from couch potatoes .
9 And , once he had taken three months off to play for England in Australia , the rumour seemed to have died the death .
10 As regards the public perception of the term ‘ antique ’ , I think it would be fair to say that a great many of today 's most eminent collectors , particularly in America , and public institutions , are definitely beginning to interpret the word far more loosely than its previously accepted definition of ‘ a hundred years old ’ and , it is clearly a great shame that two of the most original and internationally influential artistic styles ever to emerge in Britain are almost entirely excluded from the Fair : the Arts and Crafts Movement and Art Nouveau , on the basis of age .
11 Mr Kenneth Clarke , the new Home Secretary , was faced with demands yesterday to release from prison a campaigner for Sikh independence who has been under threat of deportation to India .
12 Steps up to exchange of contracts
13 You can introduce him as the guy you and I appointed some months back to work with Sanders on the preparation of the Business Plan .
14 I inquired after my brother , Max , who had finally agreed a few months ago to work for Dad 's firm , and I established that he was in Paris for a few more days .
15 For the materialist Richards meaning was to be explained as the use of words either to point to things or to evoke feelings — in terms of behaviour , in the last analysis .
16 On 2 September 1982 the Galway County Executive of the IFA instructed farmers living near the mines not to co-operate with IBM which was carrying out further prospecting in the area .
17 The German star routed defending champion Wayne Ferreira of South Africa 6–3 , 6–4 in 56 minutes the fastest final since John McEnroe took four minutes longer to dispose of Kim Warwick in 1980 .
18 First , how to persuade other member states not to insist on proposals which take us down the federal route and , second , how to avoid agreeing to wording which would be inconsistent with the wishes of the British parliament and electorate , while at the same time trying to reach an agreement .
19 No it took me fifteen minutes tonight to get from school to Kyle 's Kyle 's school !
20 The Order concerned ( SI 1991 No 1729 ) replaces references to ‘ subsidiary ’ in Part VIII of the Act with ‘ subsidiary undertaking ’ and deletes the sections ( 72(5) and ( 6 ) ) that allowed societies ' group accounts not to deal with subsidiaries in certain circumstances .
21 But despite the crisis the Foreign Office and the United Nation 's has urged individual groups not to travel to Bosnia .
22 He uses these elements effectively to speak of validity in the aesthetic field .
23 The OAS requested the European Communities ( EC ) to impose a trade embargo , but EC diplomats at the meeting stated that an embargo would contravene the Lomé Convention ( under which the EC accorded preferential trading status to African , Caribbean and Pacific countries ) , and that the EC did not have the legal authority to order companies not to trade with Haiti .
24 About the middle of the play , Hecate speaks this line having told the witches not to interfere with Macbeth 's destiny .
25 On publication of the findings , Carriers , a leading US air-conditioning and refrigerator manufacturer , announced that it would inform its clients of the dangers of HCFC-123 and was considering advising its service engineers not to work on machines containing the material .
26 But women always seemed to be in the majority and the proprietor and his wife , both of whom spoke excellent English and German , could be seen at every hour of the day advising parties of determined-looking women in sensible shoes how to get to St Peter 's or the Piazza Venezia or the English church , or which were the best shops to buy presents and souvenirs to take home .
27 Next you go back to Lympstone to learn from RM instructors how to cook in field conditions .
28 The very first school was , believe it or not , in Australia where a Norwegian taught the miners of the Snowy Mountains how to slide on skis as early as 1861 .
29 I used it for areas hard to reach with chisel and mallet , and expect that when carving delicate work it has the advantage of not disturbing the workpiece with sudden strikes .
30 In the class of primary school pupils interviewed , only four children were told by their parents when to go to bed .
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