Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb -s] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is a deceptive simplicity about such lists which requires extensive effort to ensure a comprehensive but coherent content .
2 I cut a path through the rushes which allows enough space for two rods , and room each side to wade to the water 's edge .
3 Cawson defines corporatism as a process ‘ in which organizations representing monopolistic functional interests engage in political exchange with state agencies over public policy outputs which involves those organizations in a role that combines interest representation and policy implementation through delegated self-enforcement ’ ( 1985a , p. 8 ) .
4 It is this pattern of syntactic relationships which governs one type of semantic interaction .
5 But then we have to move with Ulysses to a huge spinning-top of words which defies such judgements and leaves us clutching at apparently familiar images which so sooner appear than they are gone .
6 ‘ It is within the little boxes which the division of labour has bequeathed us , a solidarity in other words which involves permanent concern with the boundary of one 's own box , and thus with comparability .
7 The History essay is a logical argument in words which demonstrates historical knowledge , skills and understanding .
8 More channels which means more choice .
9 Figure 12.1 shows a small hierarchy or group of ranked subjects which makes some statement concerning the relationships between those subjects .
10 There is no magic in the process of economic and social development of nations which enables instant transformation .
11 Tony Davies attests to the continuing force even in the 1980s of the " fluid and contradictory debris of discursive fragments which surrounds such limp , but none the less coercive , questions as " Well , what do you think of this then ? " 150 It seems that what continues largely to hold these fragments together are those practically-embedded assumptions into which Barbara Hardy , in her strict attention to the humdrum interactions rather than the more formal discursive superstructure , offers a degree of insight unusual for writings on English in higher education .
12 Old age generally involves the loss of two crucial social roles , highly regarded by dominant social values , and it is essentially the loss of these valued roles which associates increasing age with diminished social status and prestige , and with disengagement .
13 And now it is a man of sorts who carries that acknowledgement .
14 MP Neville Trotter is a pear-shaped Tory with pear-shaped vowels who has little appeal to the people of Meadowell , and a dwindling appeal in the middle-class suburbs where unemployment is also climbing .
15 Suffice it to say that in any extended study of the martial arts it warrants closer examination .
16 However , USL finds the royalties it pays third parties for using their technology , particularly those sent to Microsoft Corp for its Xenix functionality and Sun Microsystems Inc for its BSD functionality , on the increase and likely to rise further .
17 It is clear that ethanol has a duel action on the secretory function of the gastric parietal cell ; at low concentrations it stimulates gastric secretion and at high concentrations it has no effect or an inhibitory one .
18 Another accolade has fallen at the feet of Patricia Grant , already honoured with an OBE by the Queen for her efforts in building up Norfrost , the domestic freezer supplier which exports 75 per cent of the 5,000 units it produces each week .
19 We have shown him a better way of making the savings he requires next year , and we will be happy to work with him — and with the consumer groups — to find ways of improving the value obtained for the money spent on legal aid in the future .
20 In civil operations this affects revenue earning potential and therefore profitability and in military environments it affects operational readiness .
21 His almost pathological dread of producing a legato line means that instead of drawing us a picture of clear , flowing melodies he leaves little join-up-the-dots type sketches with the notes separated from each other by wide open spaces which even the generous resonance of St Peter 's , Waltrop ( near Dortmund ) can not adequately fill .
22 To help it in these roles it has two seats on Council which is the top executive body of the University .
23 Eddie Stride in one of his books he makes this statement , he says , my jealousy , your envy , someone else 's pride , needs the pardon bought with the blood of Christ at Calvary , as much as someone else 's promiscuity , or perversion .
24 To purely optical sensations he adds tactile sensations . ’
25 Right , so you fix them just as quickly as you can fix them , but if that takes nine months it takes nine months , that 's one of the views you can take on it .
26 Start with Words and Pictures is a beautifully illustrated picture dictionary for young beginners which contains 470 headwords , arranged in alphabetical order and including important verbs and prepositions .
27 The same eighteen percent of mines which has deep cut has sixty three percent of all frictional ignitions .
28 For modern reference it has included centre pages which give useful notes which enables 1992 readers to pin point the location of the original advertiser .
29 It is this same delicate use of pointes throughout Ashton 's ballets which gives extra finesse to the danseuses ' work .
30 A course in communication skills which covers authentic writing and oral business tasks , using integrated skills approach , as well as giving practice in individual skills .
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