Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] make me [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Looking back on that visit , as I sometimes do , I find it difficult to reconcile the warm , charming and amusing hostess who spared the time to entertain us that day with the latter-day basso profundo screecher of the House of Commons and the earnest , ingratiating gusher of numerous television interviews ( performances which make me dream wistfully of the old saw , ‘ In the ideal society politics should be as unobtrusive as drains ’ ) .
2 Other times she made me promise to keep them for ever , to remember her by , and say a prayer She was a bit vague who it was I was to pray to .
3 It is no doubt the remembrance of these early days which makes me despise and dislike all primeurs , the fruit artificially grown , gathered too early and expensively sent , wrapped in cotton wool , to " smart " restaurants .
4 I received a few letters from strangers which made me realize that people did care .
5 I can still see in each of them the special qualities which made me select them .
6 I did n't have to do any of these crazy things they made me do .
7 ‘ I like men who make me laugh .
8 Well if I could refer you , ma'am , to my paragraph three point seven of my supplementary statement , erm I do indicate there erm that the factors which make me believe that a location in this sector or these three sectors erm is a better one in far , as far as employment is concerned .
9 He told me that with chicken pox I should n't be with the team , and he kept making remarks which made me feel embarrassed .
10 Erm , I 'd particular like to thank working with the officers , boys you make me sweat .
11 Stuck in the middle of the Oxfordshire countryside with hundreds of noisy incomprehensible children and colleagues who make me feel about as comfortable as a walk in the rain .
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