Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I still remember my surprise at the changed attitudes I noticed in other people when I first put on a white coat .
2 Mathematics was my subject , I was simply transferring what talents I had in that direction from one held to another . ’
3 If this is so , can you please let me have one of the two data only copies I requested on 14 February ( Ref. 020 ) ?
4 Within the category of lexical items , I include the formulaic patterns I referred to earlier .
5 Four times I went on long visits to the St Jerome , his finest work .
6 Many times I moved from one state to the other until I mustered the strength to cling to the twilight zone without slipping back into darkness .
7 The ships themselves offer a more comfortable ride these days : of the 16 trips I made in blustery March , only one was anything like rough .
8 I remember when they went to Korea and they had to have these overcoats I sewed on hundreds of buttons , about 10 minutes each coat .
9 I will go so far as to concede that taken in isolation , ripped away from the defining context of humour and irony and friendship , studied in their literal or surface sense only , then , yes , the words I spoke in that room as Robert stood at the window pretending to take me seriously could be understood to mean that during the past six or seven years I had gone to bed with more than one hundred and fifty prostitutes .
10 And carrots which looked like impacted wisdom teeth crossed with a fantasy of Edgar Allan Poe 's .
11 But Roosevelt was close to death , and the British had to wait another two years until the " brain-wave " at last arrived in the form of discreet signals from the US State Department — signals which led in due course to the European Recovery Programme and Marshall Aid .
12 Subject-matter , in the Skinnerian teaching machine , was broken down into small steps which built upon one another into a great complexity , the student making successive responses and receiving the reinforcement of immediate confirmation at each stage .
13 However , there continued to be successes from individual business units which resulted from another year of good effort , team work and commitment by Wimpol staff throughout the Group .
14 It was quieter , with few shops , not one of them interesting , and restaurants which opened with optimistic flourishes and invitations but where , after a few weeks , you could see the desolate owner standing in the doorway wondering where he 'd gone wrong ; his eyes told you the area was n't going to revive in his lifetime .
15 However , the origins of increasing tension between the vicomtes of Béarn and the Plantagenets lie in the consequences of the disputes which developed after 1287 over the succession to Bigorre , Marsan and Béarn .
16 Black communities around Pietermaritzburg have seen much of the fighting in a brutal turf war between the ANC and Inkatha supporters which flared in 1986 , deeply dividing black communities .
17 The results show that variations in profit margins were directly related to fluctuations in the level of demand for architectural services between 1971 and 1988 but that the liberalisations which occurred after 1982 have also acted to reduce the size of profit margins .
18 This rethinking went on in episcopal households and monasteries as well as in some urban schools which survived in some areas well into the sixth century .
19 An additional $100 million was targeted for " magnet " schools which specialized in specific subjects .
20 The pictures which led to such demand for the Daily Mirror that the Sold Out signs went up at newsagents all over the country .
21 A couple strolled past on clicking heels which echoed from one side of the road to the other .
22 The General Assembly on Dec. 19 established the post of a UN Emergency Relief Co-ordinator , whose secretariat would be based on a strengthened Office of the UN Disaster Relief Co-ordinator and the consolidation of existing offices which dealt with complex emergencies .
23 It was , moreover , widely disseminated by a profusion of pattern books which concentrated upon smaller houses .
24 After the break , Abingdon continued to force Horsham back , although now the pitch was beginning to make an impression on some tired legs ; there were mistakes from both sides and also some heavy tackles which resulted in long delays whilst players received attention .
25 Waldendale means the dale of the Welshman , Welsh being a word once used to describe any foreigner , though in this case it probably refers to the last remnants of the Celtic peoples who retreated to this dale in the face of Norse and Anglo-Saxon expansion .
26 Western philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries who speculated on these matters usually emphasized two criteria :
27 Those Shias who escaped into southern Iran are housed in transit camps around Khorramshahr and the other main points of entry ( see map on previous page ) .
28 Particular units who operated for long periods at a time in the jungle became so adept in their surroundings they became known as ‘ Green Ghosts ’ .
29 Political officers would be attached to units who worked in close co-operation with line officers .
30 There was , however , one troubling group inherited from the Roman past , which remained a permanent feature of the social landscape of Western Europe : the Jews who existed in most Roman towns , in large numbers or small .
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