Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] them [art] " in BNC.

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1 Following this they release blood into their eyes which turns them a dull red colour .
2 The argument gains force when applied to boxing where the emphasis shifts to the muscular flexibility and , as manager Terry Lawless put it , the ‘ natural fluidity ’ of black fighters which gives them a distinct edge over their more rigid white counterparts :
3 The Young Engineers Clubs aim to encourage a greater number of Scotland 's more able youngsters to continue with subjects which give them the option of tertiary education in science or engineering .
4 The spectacular charge of the Light Blue Brigade from stakeboat to finish line con founded the bookies and the Tideway pundits who gave them no chance against Barcelona gold medallist Matthew Pinsent and his crew .
5 Worse still , the new Leeds are as sly and provocative as Don Revie 's sides , with none of the skills which made them the Liverpool of the Seventies .
6 Even if there never will be any easy answers to such questions , and certainly not ones which could be read off from some kind of ‘ correct analysis ’ , it is still the case that the better informed we are about the complexities which underlie them the quicker we will be able to learn from our mistakes .
7 Despite the exhortations of the British , they were very often reluctant to carry out police duties which brought them no profit .
8 As well as the conventional cytochrome and flavo-protein electron transport system , many nematodes have " haemoglobin " in their body fluids which gives them a red pigmentation .
9 So they devised a lot of things themselves to give them a a a helping hand .
10 Hirszowicz summarizes the specific features of communist bureaucracies which make them a new species of bureaucratic order as follows :
11 Beside giving them access to a number of secret SimFic files — files which gave them the location of several special projects Berdichev had instigated — they had also contained several items of particular interest .
12 Yet the big powers have tended to pick high-grade but unadventurous diplomats who give them a quiet life .
13 What our users want is adequate information about regular , punctual services , on buses which give them a comfortable ride in a clean environment , driven by skilled and courteous drivers .
14 Proximity of the viewed scene also affects the cat 's pupils : the closer an object is , the more it has to constrict them ; with more distant objects it expands them a little .
15 The formal proletariat has control over neither the means of production nor labour power , but its members earn regular wages which give them a security that the mass of the poor lack .
16 Parliament did not often pass laws with any wide-ranging implications , and the most wide-ranging recent laws , the religious legislation of the Reformation , were never applied at all precisely in America , but no legal framework could have been imagined for the colonies which gave them a legitimate position under English law without putting them under the legislative supremacy of Parliament .
17 Delightful little birds perhaps 40cm tall , they have long , pale yellow head-plumes which give them a rather ‘ punk ’ appearance .
18 If ones came as in little wee pi pickups we called them the little lorry things you would sort of keep your eye very much because you did n't know they were looking for scrap and if you told them you had nothing they might go away with your iron gates or something .
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