Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 But in Locke 's day it was normal and Locke 's contemporaries I think would have had no problem understanding this what he meant .
2 Now , for the 10 per cent of house-buyers who rely on this report , or even the 15 per cent who rely on a mini-survey , that 's fine as far as it goes — and I would not wish to discourage anyone from having a professional survey , or ever advise against one — however , all the surveyors I know would prefer knowledgeable clients who had carried out their own surveys first and could present their results to them for investigation and comment .
3 The words I used may strike you as generous , or too romantic , but they are not inaccurate , merely inadequate .
4 The editor would also have the authority to make decisions when Pilger was away on one of his frequent trips abroad , within guidelines which Pilger would lay down .
5 The list is long and varied and what you choose or the combinations you try will depend on what you want your event to achieve .
6 Readers who sympathise will know that when ( too late ) the teaching of recognisable chemistry is started the courses are indigestible , driving many students to less worthwhile subjects .
7 Instigated by people in offices who say let's put out a guidebook .
8 However the type of relationships you have may affect how you view safer sex .
9 Lose weight more quickly than ever before , because a larger proportion of the calories you consume will remain undigested ;
10 The music she listens to must be composed and played by women , the books she reads must have a woman author .
11 I shall approach their work , in short , in the light of the pragmatist belief that a study of the problems they pose and the solutions they offer may provide us not merely with a new perspective on the scope of holistic explanations , but also with the best means , in the end , of assessing their strength .
12 I mean they 're not a linguist but the words they use will say a lot about what they think about .
13 As the new funding councils for the universities and for the polytechnics and colleges develop systems of contracting , the institutions ' room for manoeuvre in the subjects they offer may diminish further as their programme performance and their accounting arrangements are subjected to ever closer scrutiny .
14 And he said erm well he said we can ta take into consideration you 've four kids he said can extend it for twenty eight days
15 He stayed close , hoping his warmth might help her , staring protectively out into the night as if the strange images he saw might try to harm her .
16 BARCLAYS Bank has spent more than £5m equipping its 1,500 sales staff with laptop computers it claims will limit the likelihood of clients being given unsuitable advice .
17 The institutions which joined would retain their identity and members would retain their existing designations as well as receive new ones .
18 A high proportion of trials which begin will end in settlement rather than judgment .
19 The descriptions which follow will tell you how to achieve and maintain certain performances by appropriate scan technique .
20 Gaining an understanding of the ‘ money matters ’ involved in retailing will help you see how important your own part is : all the everyday transactions you perform will affect your shop 's long-term financial plan .
21 You add up all the bills you know will come in over the next year — plus a bit more for contingencies — and divide by twelve .
22 If we bear in mind that the institutions that did not reply may also have included some for whom the questionnaire was inappropriate , we can assume that the responses we obtained would represent somewhere approaching half those working in teacher education at the time .
23 However , the areas they inherit will have been developed according to policies very different from those supported by the local council , which is after all the elected body .
24 The functions they provide may include a selection of the following : electronic mail , fax , telex , word processing , records storage and retrieval ( both individual and shared ) , diary scheduling ( people and facilities ) , internal reference information , spreadsheets , access to other applications , and the importing and repackaging of data from other applications .
25 Daewoo Research Institute , a private think-tank , says that pre-tax profits for the 350 companies it analyses may jump by 14.3% in 1993 and 26.4% in 1994 .
26 In two years Gould could not possibly hope to cover all the areas he guessed would prove rewarding .
27 The agreements also allow the EC to impose ‘ safeguard measures ’ — restrictions — on surges of imports it thinks could damage local producers .
28 The reason for for local plan consultation is such that erm it gives the opportunity for objectors to make comments and otherwise , and that District Council and the the County Council erm should consider er objections and it 's i it it happens that erm the local authorities you know can change their mind as the process goes along .
29 A few extracts I believe will suffice : March 11th , 1335 , he carried out an ordination , the following day , March 12th the first tonsure of seven clerks and on the 15th , another ordination .
30 For some , the ratios mentioned and the ideas which followed will seem pious and wishful .
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