Example sentences of "[noun pl] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases the traditional healers and midwives are already part of the primary health care structure of the village or community and have received additional training so that the most positive aspects of traditional and non-traditional medicine can be combined in ways that are acceptable to the community .
2 There are some observers who think this to be admirable ; but there are others who believe that in such cases the basic obligations that should keep such enthusiasts at home have been obscured by pretension and sentimentality .
3 In most cases the hereditary wardens and foresters of fee , or their heirs , were able within a few years to recover their bailiwicks by payment of substantial fines to the Crown .
4 The meeting had been called in order to clarify the situation on funding for Egypt 's IMF-inspired economic reform programme and followed the concessions announced in May by members of the " Paris Club " of creditor countries ( in many cases the same countries as were involved in the World Bank announcement ) .
5 In both cases the intronic ORFs and their introns seem to be intimately linked and appear to be propagated together .
6 Basically , the shape of the bow is created from leaves , and in most cases the smaller leaves and component parts are easier to manipulate into these less natural designs .
7 What do you think keeps the petty thieves and the people who run a bawdy house away from my door ? ’
8 The Platoon Sergeant loads the necessary extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment into the back of a vehicle and they speed off The accident has occurred a few hundred metres from the Turkish depot in which ammunition is stored for the Force .
9 Maybe they had been for old times the old times that had never really existed .
10 The decision came against a background of growing public anxiety over the capital 's air pollution levels , which had reached nearly four times the recommended limits as set by the World Health Organization .
11 The decision came against a background of growing public anxiety over the capital 's air pollution levels , which have reached nearly four times the recommended limits as set by the World Health Organization .
12 In older animals the clinical signs and history are similar but laboratory diagnosis is more difficult since faecal egg counts and plasma pepsinogen levels are less reliable .
13 People who wish to consume a service know what resources it uses because they are faced with a price which just covers the additional resources that are needed to provide it .
14 Work out damage on units the Fanatic touches as he moves .
15 And the they used to when they would speak Orcadian among their their pals and then when they when they were playing games all the kids the Orcadian ones whether they were Orcadian or not would adopt this American drawl and they all spoke like that .
16 ‘ Good reading ’ of the Bible enlarges our capacity to receive more of its depth and riches , to see with other eyes the wondrous things that God reveals to those who ‘ have eyes to see , and ears to hear ’ .
17 Before any computer system can generate or understand spoken words the complex waveforms that make up speech must be turned into a digital form that the computer can cope with .
18 Er six months no six months and a week .
19 A few of his fellow citizens would wait until the train was about to depart , nobble him and throw him on the train , slip the guards a few dollars and wave goodbye .
20 Jus ’ fink of it , mate , me an' you givin' the lads a few lessons an' organisin' a few tournaments .
21 Once initial control has been achieved , a maintenance sclerotherapy programme should be instituted with repeated injections every three weeks or so until thrombosis of the varices has been achieved and subsequent periodic checks every three to six months to ensure maintenance of variceal occlusion .
22 Payment will be made in arrears every four weeks or quarterly , whichever you prefer .
23 ‘ After Winston had retired , he used to give lunch parties every two weeks or so in the basement of his house in Hyde Park Gate .
24 Before his £1.3m move from Notts County last season , Johnson was scoring at a rate of two goals every five matches but he claimed : ‘ It 's early days for me .
25 In the other areas the larger cities and conurbations proved difficult to incorporate in a wider uniform pattern .
26 The EC rules give EC companies the same rights as individuals .
27 So , the more Keys the more facilities and equipment will be provided .
28 He called The Sacred Dance ‘ an excellent study of primitive religious dances ’ , and read how these were performed round sacred trees , but also ‘ how often with the decay of old faiths the serious rites and pageants … have degenerated into the sports of children ’ .
29 This exercise tones the outer thighs as well as the lower abdominal muscles .
30 In these circumstances the normal terms and conditions of employment for the post in question will be applied , although every effort will be made to transfer staff to posts of a comparable level .
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